Chapter 7- Listening And Responding Flashcards
Scientific process. Process in which sound waves strike the eardrum and cause vibrations that are transmitted to the brain.
Process of receiving and responding to others’ messages
Mindful listening
Giving careful and thoughtful attention and responses to the messages we receive
Mindless listening
React to others messages automatically and routinely, without much mental investment.
Reasons for listening
- Understand
- Evaluate (critical listening)
- Build maintain relationships
- To help others
Challenges of listening
- Information overload
- Personal concerns
- Rapid thought
- Noise
Poor listening habits
- Pseudo listening
- Stage hogging
- Selective listening
- Filling in the Gap
- Insulated listening
- Defensive listening
- Ambushing listening
Components of listening (mindful)
- Hearing
- Attend
- Understanding
- Remembering
- Responding
Listening responses
- Silent listening
- Questioning (sincere or counterfeit)
- Emphasizing
- Support
- Analyze
- Advice
When approaches with another persons problem the most common reaction is to advice.
One who will listen carefully to you, but only to collect information they will use to attack what you have to say
The listener offers an interpretation of a speakers message
Attending is psychological and is what we choose to pay attention to and listen
Closed questions
Questions that do not need much elaboration. Responses are usually yes or no
Counterfeit questions
Questions which general purpose is to send a message, not receive one.
Defensive listening
Taking innocent comments as personal attacks
A response style listeners use to show they identify with the speaker
To appraise or understand the senders thoughts or behaviors in some way
Filling in gaps
People think that the parts of a story they remember are what make a whole story. Then they express to others the story the way they interpret it
Insulated listening
Listeners avoid what they do not want to hear. If a topic they are not comfortable arises, they simply don’t acknowledge it
Listening fidelity
The difference between what the speaker is trying to say and how the listener perceives the message
Open questions
Questions that allow for responses to be broad and explained. The opposite of closed questions which responses are basic yes or no
Feedback that restates in your own words the message you thought the speaker sent
Pseudo listening
A person who pretends to be attentive. They may nod their head look you in the eye and it may seem as of they are attentive, but their mind is somewhere else
When the listener asks the speaker for additional info
The ability to recall information once we’ve understood it. (People usually only remember half or 50%)
Giving observable feedback to the listener
Selective listening
Responding only to the parts of a speakers remarks that interest them, rejecting everything else.
Sincere questions
Aimed to understand others
Silent listening
Staying attentive and non verbally responsive without offering any verbal feedback
Stage hogging
People who are interested only in their ideas and don’t care about what anyone else has to say
Reveal the listeners solidarity with the speakers situation. Express of care concern and of affection and interest especially during times of stress of upset
really comprehending and able to attain and extract the message