Chapter 4- Percieving Others Flashcards
Attaching meaning to a behavior. Making sense of another persons behavior
Combining both feminine and masculine traits
Confirmation bias
Once first impressions are created positive or negative,we tend to seek out and organize our impressions to support our opinion or analyzation
The ability to recreate another persons perspective, to rl experience the works from his or her point of view. Impossible to achieve complete empathy, but with practice we can get close.
First-order realities
Physically observable qualities of a thing or situation. For ex. If your mom hugged you really passionately would be very obvious to an observer
We see it with our eyes
Physiological sex type male female
Halo effect
The tendency to form an overall positive impression of a person on a basis of one positive characteristic. You find one good trait and you perceive the person as good in your eyes.
Once we have selected and organized our perception,we interpret them in a way that makes some sort of sense.
The stories we use to describe our personal world
Process in which communicators influence each others perception through communication
After selecting information from the environment, we must arrange it in some meaningful way in order to make sense of it.
Perception checking
A better more in depth way to check and share your interpretations.
- A description of the behavior you noticed.
- Two possible interpretations of the behavior.
- A request for clarification about how to interpret behavior.
Psychological sex type
Masculine, feminine, androgynous (both masculine & feminime) and undifferentiated (neither masculine nor feminine).
Determination of causes and effects in a series of communication.
Second order realities
Our attaching meaning It doesn’t reside through physically observable traits like first order realities, but rather through the mind. When we have a close relationship whit a friend, we start to perceive things similarly. That’s 2nd order realities
The selection of the data we will attend to. What we choose to pay mind to.
Self serving bias
We tend to judge and evaluate ourselves in the most generous terms possible.
Standpoint theory
How a persons position in society shaped his or her view of society in general, and of specific individuals
Exaggerated beliefs associated with a categorizing of a system.
Perception process
- Selection ( picking what we want to focus our attention on)
- Organization ( classify/arrange)
- Interpretation ( analyze; what does it mean)- making sense if the situation and or encounter.
- negotiate- process by which communicators influence each other’s perception through communication
Perceptual schema
Cognitive frameworks that allow us to give order to the info we have selected (classification)
- physical constructs- classifying by appearance
- role constructs-using social position
- Interaction constructs- focus on social behavior
- Psychological constructs- internal state of mind( happy, sad, neurotic etc)
Physical constructs
Classifying people according to their appearance
Ex. Fat, skinny, attractive etc.
Role constructs
Social position
Ex. Occupation, student, father, mother, etc.
Interacting constructs
Social behavior. Things you can be to other people
Ex. Compassionate, happy, sad, mean, etc.
(How you act)
Psychological constructs
Internal state/ disposition or feeling
Relational satisfaction
The way we personally feel and where we stand on certain things play a big role in how we are going to perceive it. For ex. If you have a positive relationship with your wife and she leaves the toilet seat up, it probably wouldn’t bother you as much as if you both had a negative relationship
Physical disorder ADHD ADD