Chapter 6- Non-verbal Communication Flashcards
Vocalized pause
For ex. Um, er, uh, etc.
The study of how people use and structure time
Non-verbal expression that substitutes a verbal expression (nodding head, okay sign with head, etc)
Term social scientists use to distinguish the study of touching
Intimate distance
Skin contact-18 inches
Usually practiced with people we are emotionally close to and mostly in private situations
For ex. Making love, caressing, comforting, protecting etc.
The study of how we communicate through bodily movement
- face to face
- Posture
- Gestures
- touch
- Distance
- Para-language
- territory
- Time
- Physical attractiveness
- Clothing
A group of ambiguous gestures otherwise known as fidgeting
For ex. Movements in which one part of our body grooms, massages, rubs, holds, (etc) or in other words manipulates another part of the ones body.
Non-verbal comm
Messages expressed through non-linguistic means.
Non verbal unconscious
Verbal conscious
Helps create and maintain relationships
The study of how the eyes communicate
Para language
Describes the way a message is spoken For ex. Vocal rate (how fast or slow you talk) Volume Pitch pronunciation Disflencies Unintentional pauses
Personal distance
18 inches to 4 feet usually how couples stand in public or casual conversations
Personal space
Each of us carry around an invincible bubble we consider our personal space
The study of how communication is affected by the use, organization, and perception of space and distance
Public distance
12 feet on
- anything over 25 feet makes 2 way communication nearly impossible
Cues that help control verbal interaction
For Ex a person pro longs the last word in a sentence to try and ambiguously let the other person know they are done talking
Social distance
4ft to 12 feet
Territory remains stationary. A chair we use everyday in class we feel is ours. We would feel weird if we witness someone else occupying the chair.
Behavior barriers
When someone crosses your personal space, you non verbally find a way to get that person away
For ex. Switch table, chair, ignore, put finger up, put object in between
Physical environment
The way we set up our personal surroundings like office, bedroom, classroom Etc is kept affects the conclusion of what we picked up from non verbal communication
Types of non verbal com
Face to face- most expressive, but also the hardest to interpret
Gestures- May be intentional or unintentional. Hand eye feet body gestures
Para language- the way a language is spoken
Physical attractiveness
Clothing - people judge and classify your economic educational social etc background
Functions of non verbal comm
- Creating and maintaing relationships
We create relationships
Regulate- control interactions
Influence others
Conceal deceive
Managing identity