Chapter 7: Implementing Strategies: Management & Operations Issues Flashcards
How to Avoid Manipulation
- Those who motivate others must appeal to good motives.
- Christians must be open and honest about the motivational techniques they are using
- Healthy motivational approaches encourage active choices on the part of participants
The Nature of Strategy Implementation
- Successful strategy formulation does not guarantee successful strategy implementation
- Varies among different types & sizes of organizations
Implementation Activities
- Altering sales territories
- Adding new departments
- Closing facilities
- Hiring new employees
- Cost-control procedures
- Modifying advertising strategies
- Building new facilities
Management Issues: Annual Objectives and thier Purpose
- Decentralized activity
- Directly involve all managers in the organization
- Basis for resource allocation
- Mechanism for management evaluation
- Metric for gauging progress on long-term objectives
- Establish priorities (organizational, division, & departmental)
Requirements of Annual Objectives
- Measurable
- Consistent
- Reasonable
- Challenging
- Clear
- Understood
- Timely
Annual Objectives Should State
- Quantity
- Quality
- Cost
- Time
- Be Verifiable
Mangament Issues: Policy
- Facilitate the solving or recurring problems & guide implementation of strategy
- Establish Boundries, Constraints, Limits
Management Issues: Resource Allocations
- Central management activity that allows for the execution of strategy
4 Types of Resources
- Financial resources
- Physical resources
- Human resources
- Technological resources
Managment Issues: Managing Conflict
- Disagreement between two more parties on one or more issues
- Conflict not always “bad”
- No conflict may signal apathy
- Can energize opposing groups to action
- May help managers identify problems
Conflict Management & Resolution
- Avoidance
- Diffusion
- Confrontation
Management Issues: Organizational Structure
- Matching Structure w/ Strategy
- Changes in strategy = Changes in structure
Structure & Strategy
- Structure dictates how objectives & policies will be established
- Structure dictates how resources will be allocated
Chandler’s Strategy-Structure Relationship
- New strategy
Is formulated - New administrative
problems emerge
- Organizational
- Organizational
improves - Organizational
-New organizational
structure is established
Basic Forms of Structure
- Functional Structure
- Divisional Structure
- Strategic Business Unit Structure (SBU)
- Matrix Structure
Management Issues: Restructuring
- Reducing the size of the firm – # of employees, divisions, and/or units, # of hierarchical levels
- Downsizing
- Rightsizing
- Delayering
Management Issues: Reengineering
- Reconfiguring or redesigning work, jobs, & processes to improve cost, quality, service, & speed.
- Process management
- Process innovation
- Process redesign
Managment Issues: Rewards/Incentives
- Linking Pay/Performance to Strategies
- Pay for performance systems
- Dual bonus systems
- Profit sharing systems
- Gain Sharing systems
Tests for Performance-Pay Plans
- Does the plan capture attention?
- Do employees understand the plan?
- Is the plan improving communication?
- Does the plan pay out when it should?
- Is the company or unit performing better?
Management Change: Resistance to Change
- Single greatest threat to successful strategy implementation
- Raises anxiety; fear concerning: Economic loss, Inconvenience, Uncertainty, Break in status-quo
Change Strategies
- Change Strategies
- Educative Change Strategy
- Rational or Self-Interest Change Strategy
Management Issues: Natural Environment
- Wide appreciation for firms that “mend” rather than “harm” the environment
Natural Environment – Environmental Strategies
- Develop/acquire “green” businesses
- Divesting environmental-damaging business
- Low-cost producer through waste minimization & energy conservation
Management Issues: Supportive Culture
- Preserve, emphasize, & build upon aspects of existing culture that support new strategies
Management Issues: Production/ Operations
- Production processes typically constitute more than 70% of firm’s total assets
Elements Linking Strategy to Culture
- Formal statements of philosophy, charters, etc. used for recruitment and selection, and socialization
- Designing of physical spaces, facades, buildings
- Deliberate role modeling, teaching and coaching
- Explicit reward and status system, promotion criteria
- Stories, legends, myths about key people and events
- What leaders pay attention to, measure and control
- Leader reactions to critical incidents and crises
- How the organization is designed and structured
- Organizational systems and procedures
- Criteria used for recruitment, selection, promotion, retirement
Production/Operations Decisions
- Plant size
- Inventory/Inventory control
- Quality control
- Cost control
- Technological innovation
Managment Issues: Human Resources
- HR manager position has strategic responsibility & has changed dramatically as companies continue to reorganize, outsource, etc.
Human Resource Strategic Responsibilities
- Assessing staffing needs/costs
- Developing performance incentives
- ESOP’s
- Child-care policies
- Work-life balance issues