chapter 7 Galton Flashcards
anthropometric laboratory
intelligence test such as head size measurements, other physical aspects, reaction time tests
psychology of individual differences
a discipline that focuses on the measurement and study of variations among people on a psychological characteristic, rather than the general qualities of that characteristic
normal distribution
a quetelet
the distribution of many easily-measured human attributes, such as height, could be plotted to yield a bell-shaped curve symmetrical about the average (mean) value. Today, statisticians call this curve the normal distribution.
self-questionnaire method
the distribution of a standard set of questions to a large sample of respondents, to investigate a major psychological issue
nature and nurture
nature is all that a man brings with himself into the world, nurture is every influence that affects him after his birth
twin studies method
examines the similarities and differences that develop between different categories of twin pairs, such as identical (monozygotic) versus fraternal (dizygotic), or those reared in similar versus dissimilar environments
the project of improving the human race by selective breeding
positive eugenics
increases the proportion of gifted people; efforts aimed at increasing desirable traits
negative eugenics
mentally inferior people would outbreak their superiors and eventually swamp the population; to efforts aimed at decreasing undesirable traits
statistical correlation
a mathematical process for measuring the strength of the association between two imperfectly related variables
regression toward the mean
the tendency for extreme scores on one of the compared variables to be associated with less extreme scores on the other
coefficient of correlation
a numerically precise value of the strength of the relationship
pearson’s r
karl pearson
a convenient formula for computing the product moment correlation coefficients and extending their range to cover negative relationships
mental imagery
a questionnaire that asks subjects to imagine various scenes and then describe their mental images in detail. normal people vary dramatically in the frequency, intensity and vividness with which they imagine things
word-association technique
the first reactions to come to mind when seeing a list of stimulus words
the percentage of which a characteristic’s variability within a population that is determined by genetics