Chapter 3 Gall, Floures, Broca, Wernicke Flashcards
Nerve tissues (white matter) that connect the two halbes of the brain
Nerve cells that compose the brain and the spinal cord, each with an electrochemically active cell body or nucleus.
Interconnected by dendrites and send signals through axons
Outer surface of the brain
Franz Joseph Gall
Science of the mind.
Different functions of the mind were localised within specific parts of the brain
The reading of a person’s character in his or her physical features
Structure at the base of the brain
Related to amativeness
Major role in movement of an organised behaviour
Pierre Flourens
The surgical removal of specific small parts of the brain in order to observe any resulting changes in behaviour
Cortex flexibility and plasticity of the brain
Intact parts of the brain (after small damage in young animals) take over the functions of damaged parts resulting in functional recovery
Speech debility
Broca’s aphasia
Motor aphasia
Inability to speak
Broca’s area
Part of the language area
Left frontal hemisphere
Sensory aphasia
Wernicke’s aphasia
Inability to understand spoken language
Conduction aphasia
still produce speech & understand it but can’t monitor own speech
The ability of the brain to carry out the memory of functions from destroyed parts of the brain to an intact one