chapter 5 wunt, titchner Flashcards
personal equitation
-related to transit astronomical readings, conducted to mental chronometry
mental chronometry
the time needed for other central processes besides attention to be studies by refinements of the time reaction experiments; one the speed of information processing was measured, inferences bout the basic elements of consciousness and other processes would follow.
a second complementary branch of psychology that would use comparative and historical methods rather than experiments;
subtractive method
FC Donders
reaction time tests -> more complicated -> RT measured => the difference bw RT and tasks
inspiration for mental chronometry
one’s full attention is focused on the stimulus, and it is consciously recognized, interpreted and “thought about”
one’s simple response to a stimulus automatically, mechanically and “thoughtlessly”
creative synthesis
takes place at the centre of attention;
perceived ideas organize themselves mechanically and automatically, based on the associations a person has experienced in the past;
eg: 1;2 => 12, 21, 1+2, 1*2 etc
psychic causality
different order of causality determines apperceptive processes;
apperceptive ideas are not predictable since they are subject to unobservable, internal influences, emotions and the indefinable effects of will;
voluntaristic psychology
apperception, creative synthesis and psychic causality in regards to the involvement of conscious experience of will and voluntary effort
Voluntarism= a doctrine that the power of the will organizes the mind’s content into higher-level thought processes.
thought (volkerpsychologie)
different from words, general idea (gesamtvorstellung)
new psychology
mechanistic, experimental, deterministic (MED)
first experimental program
motor time/ will time
J Cattell
in RT experiments, the voluntary decision that made the difference bw simple and more complex tasks
the obsrrvation and report on one’s own inner experiences;
the most direct source of much psychological sources
contents of consciousness
sensations and feelings