Chapter 7 Foodways Flashcards
Lactase persistence
Continuation of lactase production beyond early childhood that allows a person to digest milk and dairy products.
An anthropological theory that people make sense of their world through binary opposition like hot cold, culture-nature, male-female, raw-cooked. These binary oppositions are expressed in social institutions and cultural practices
Obtaining food by searching for it, as opposed to growing or raising it.
The cultivation of gardens or small fields to meet the basic needs of the household (subsistence farming)
Swidden agriculture
A farming methods and tropical regions in which the farmers burn small areas of forest to release the plant nutrients into the soil.
Pastoralist societies
Groups of people who live by animal husbandry, which is the reading, care, and use of domesticated hurting animals such as cattle, camels, goats, horses, llamas, reindeer’s, and yaks
Animal husbandry
The breeding, care, and use of domesticated hurting animals
Regular seasonal movement of hurting communities from one ecological niche to another
Horizontal migration
Movement of a hurding community across a large area in search of whatever grazing land may be available
Process that increase agricultural yields
Industrial agriculture
The application of industrial principles to farming
Green revolution
The transformation of agriculture in the third world that began in the 1940s, through agricultural research, technology transfer, and infrastructure development
The creation of excess body fat to the point of impairing bodily health and function
Having abnormally high fat accumulation
Nutrition transition
The combination of changes in diet toward energy dense foods (high in calories, fat, and sugar)
Sustainable agriculture
Farming based on integrating goals of environmental health, productivity, and economic equity.
Integrating the principles of ecology into agricultural production
Structured beliefs and behaviors surrounding the production, distribution, and consumption of food