Chapter 7: Concepts & Categorization Flashcards
Mental representation of some object, event, or pattern that has stored in it much of the knowledge typically thought relevant to that object, event, pattern
Process by which things are placed into groups called categories
Class or group of similar things (objects or entities)
Functions of Categorization
Understand individual cases you have not seen before and make inferences about them
Reduces complexity of environment
Requires less learning/memorization
Guide to appropriate action
Theoretical Descriptions of Concepts
Classical view
Prototype view
Exemplar view
Schemata view
Knowledge-based view
The Classical View
Category membership determined by a set of defining (necessary and sufficient) properties
Individually Necessary
Each example must have the feature if it is to be regarded as a member of the concept
E.g. ‘has three sides’ is necessary for concept of triangle
Collectively Sufficient
Anything with each feature in the set is automatically an instance of the concept
E.g. the set of features ‘has three sides’ and ‘closed geometric figure’ is sufficient to specify a triangle (anything that has both is a triangle)
Implications of Classical View
Assumes that concepts mentally represent lists of features/characteristics (not representations of specific examples)
Assumes that membership in a category is clear cut (all in or all out)
Implies that all members within a category are created equal (no such thing as better or worse triangle)
Weaknesses of Classical View
Participants are often inconsistent when judging items to be in certain categories
No defining features for many natural-kind categories (e.g. games, we have olympic games, ball games, card games, etc)
Typicality (graded membership)
The Prototype View
Prototypes of concepts include features or aspects that are characteristic (typical) of members of category
Denies existence of necessary and sufficient feature lists
Idealized representations of some class of objects or events
Abstraction that includes all characteristic features of a category (rather than necessary or sufficient levels)
May or may not be an actual instance of the category
Formed by averaging the category members we have encountered in the past
Members within a category differ in terms of prototypicality
Family Resemblance Structure of Concepts
Structure in which each member has a number of features, sharing different features with different members
Few if any features are shared by every single member of the category
More features a member possesses, the more typical it is
Typical examples classified fastest
Basic Categorization Levels
Basic levels include members that are maximally similar to each other (e.g. guitars)
Superordinate levels (e.g. musical instruments) of categories contain members that are dissimilar in several respects (e.g. pianos and guitars)
Subordinate levels are specific (e.g. classical guitar, folk guitar)
Pros of Prototype Theory
Explains why certain members of category are seen as more typical
Explains why people have hard time providing strict definitions of concepts