Chapter 7 Flashcards
Interbreeding populations that evolve independently of others
Based on morphological similarities and differences
Cryptic species
Similar in morphology but may be different in other ways
Phylogenetic species concept
Monophyletic groups that contain all known descendants of a common ancestor
Biological species concept
Based off of reproductive isolation
Secondary contact
Reproductive isolation of two species that were originally one
Allopatric model of isolation
Physical isolation creates a barrier to gene flow
An existing habitat is physically separated
Some individuals from one area head off to another
Sympatric species
Those that overlap geographically, but differ in chromosome number
Assortative mating
Choosing a mating partner with traits similar to your own
Prezygotic isolation
Hybrid offspring are never formed, typically because mating did not happen
Postzygotic isolation
Hybrid offspring suffer from inviability, sterility, or reduced fitness
Selection that reduces the frequency of hybrids
Gametic isolation
Gametes from the same species are preferentially selected to produce zygotes
Polyploid hybrid speciation
The hybrid offspring have increased ploidy, making them incapable of successfully mating with either parental species
Homoploid hybrid speciation
Ploidy stays the same when producing a hybrid
Adaptive radiation
When a new environment is exploited by some organisms, lots of new species form really fast