Chapter 7 Flashcards
Neurons that are seldom stimulated lose their connective fivers, and the number of synapses gradually declines:
synaptic pruning
handedness reflects the greater capacity of one side of the brain to carry out skilled motor action
dominant cerebral hemisphere
At the rear and the base of the brain: a structure that aids in balance and control of body movement:
A structure in the brain stem that maintains alertness and consciousness:
reticular formation
An inner brain structure which plays a vital role in memory and in images of space that help us find our way:
A large bundle of fivers connecting the two cerebral hemispheres:
corpus callusum
Plays a critical role by releasing two hormones that induce growth:
pituitary gland
The make-believe with others that is under way by the end of the second year and increases rapidly in complexity during early childhood:
sociodramatic play
viewing a symbolic object in its own right and a symbol:
dual representation
failure to distinguish other’s symbolic viewpoints from one’s own
the belief that inanimate objects have lifelike qualities, such as thoughts, wishes, feelings, and intentions
animistic thinking
refers to the idea what certain physical characteristics of objects remain the same, even when their outward appearance changes.
focus on one aspect of a situation, neglecting other important features:
an inability to mentally go through a series of steps in a problem and then reverse direction, retiring to the starting point:
the organisation of objects into classes and subclasses on the basis of similarities and differences:
hierarchical classification
Children’s self-directed speech:
private speech
adjusting the support offered during a teaching session to fit the child’s current level of performance:
(broader concept than scaffolding) refers to shared endeavours between more expert and less expert participants, without specifying the precise features of communication
guided participation
memory for everyday experiences:
episodic memory
general descriptions of what occurs and when it occurs in a particular situation:
“thinking about thoughts”
Children’s active efforts to construct literacy knowledge through informal experiences are called?
emergent literacy
The ability to reflect on and manipulate the sound structure of spoken language:
phonological awareness
order relationships between quantities
the last number in a counting sequence indicates the quantity of items in a set
connect new words with their underlying concepts after only a brief encounter, a process called?
restructuring inaccurate speech into correct form
elaborating on children’s speech, increasing it’s complexity
What are the main critiques of Piaget’s theory?
- underestimates children’s cognitive abilities. 2. evidence of logic when presented with simple tasks based on familiar experiences. 3. pre-schoolers can be trained in Piagetian tasks. 4. Progression develops gradually, not as rigidly stage-like as Piaget suggested.
What is Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory?
Language development aids social communication. which further enhances development.
overextend grammatical rules to words that exceptions ( eg. four sheeps)
overregularisation errors
all four legged animals are dogs:
overextension errors
What are ways that parents can support language development?
labelling, echoing, recasting, expanding, extending