Chapter 7 Flashcards
The most dramatic change during the pregnancy occurs in the ____.
By 12 weeks of gestation, the fundus can be palpated above the symphysis pubis. T/F?
The descent of the fetal head is called ____.
Lightening - happens near the end of pregnancy - makes it a bit easier for the mom to breathe.
What are braxton hicks contractions?
False contractions - the uterus is just getting ready.
During late pregnancy, blood flow to the uterus and placenta reaches 1200 mL per minute. T/F/
Increasing levels of estrogen causes _______(congestion of the blood) of the cervix, resulting in a bluish color that includes the vagina - it’s called the ____ sign.
Chadwick’s sigh.
Typically, the cervix is like the tip of the nos. However, once it feels like the lips or earlobe, you’re probably pregnant! It’s called the ___ sign.
Goodell sign.
The mucous plug remains in place until _____.
Birth. It’s one of the early signs that labor is happening.
What’s the pH of vaginal discharge?
_____, called the hormone of pregnancy, must be present in adequate amounts from the earliest stages to maintain pregnancy.
After conception, the corpus luteum secretes ___.
Ovulation ceases during pregnancy because the high circulating levels of estrogen and progesterone inhibit the release of FSH and LH T/F?
Sebaceous glands called tubercles of ___ become more prominent during pregnancy and secrete a substance that lubricates the nipples.
The muscles of the heart enlarge 10%-15% during the first trimester. T/F/
Heart sounds are totally normal during pregnancy. T/F?
FALSE - they can be crazy abnormal.
Total blood volume increases from 6-8 weeks until 32 weeks. T/F?
RBC volume increases by about 20-30% above normal values - T/F?
Physiologic anemia - def
an increase in plasma volume that dilutes the RBC mass
HR is about 30 BPM greater. T/F?
FALSE - about 15-20
Pregnant women - easy to lay on back. T/F?
False - they can get supine hypotensive syndrome because of all the weight on their vena cava.
IF a woman needs to lay on her back, what should we do?
Place a pillow under one hip! It helps with the hypotension
Pregnancy - coagulation lessens. T/F?
FALSE - it’s a hypercoaguable state!
Since pregnancy is a hypercoaguable state, women need to worry about sitting and such for too long?
Progesterone causes the women to hyperventilate slightly. T/F?
Estrogen causes hyperemia of the tissues of the mouth and gums and may lead to gingivitis and bleeding gums. T/F/
Emptying time of the intestines decreases. T/F?
FALSE - it increases, allowing for nutrient absorption.
The serum alkaline phosphate level drops - T/F?
FALSE - it doubles/can even quadruple!
Bladder capacity is doubled by term yet the tone is decreased. What does this mean?
A pregnant woman at term can house tons more urine but doesn’t have the tone to hold it.
As much as 300 ml of urine may be present in the ureters. T/F?
Pregnant women feel cold and don’t sweat - T/F?
False - they perspire more because they’re warmer.
Brownish patches on the skin are called ____, and can increase with exposure to the sun.
What are stretch marks called?
Striae gravidarum
What is diastasis recti?
Separation of the rectus abdominis muscles.
The posterior pituitary releases oxytocin, which stimulates contractions. T/F?
What is the primary function of hCG in the early pregnancy?
prevent deterioration of the corpus luteum.
Estrogen - decreases LH and FSH. T/F?
Progesterone - produced by the first corpus luteum and then by the full developed placenta. T/F?
What is HCS (aka HPL)
Human Chorionic Somatomammotropin (human placental lactogen) - present in the early pregnancy and increases throughout. It increases the availability of glucose for the fetus. Reduces the sensitivity of maternal cells to insulin and decreases maternal metabolism of glucose, freeing glucose for the mom.
What is relaxin? Where does it come from?
Produced by the corpus luteum, decidual, and the placenta, it inhibits uterine activity, softens conective tissue in the cervix, and relaxes cartilage and connective tissue to increase motility of the pelvic joint.
Women of normal pre-pregnancy weight are encouraged to gain an average of __ to __ pounds during pregnancy.
Women who have autoimmune problems will have no change during pregnancy. T/F?
FALSE - immune function is altered.
What 3 sections are signs and symptoms of pregnancy grouped into?
Presumptive, probably, & positive
What are some presumptive indications of pregnancy - - like we bet it’s there buttttttttttttttt
Amenorrhea, N/V, fatigue, urinary frequency, breast & skin changes, vaginal and cervical color change (chadwick and such) and fetal movement
What are some probably indications of pregnancy?
Abdominal enlargement, cervical softening, changes in uterine consistency (hegar sign - it’s soft), ballottement (a tap on the uterus that causes the baby to rise), braxton hick contractions, uterine soufflee (a soft, blowing sound over uterus), pregnancy tests).
What are positive indications of pregnancy?
Fetal heart sounds, fetal movements, visualization of embryo or fetus
Good antepartum care before at 6 months. T/F?
NO, it begins before conception and continues thereafter.
Should a woman have a visit before getting pregnant to discuss her health and talk about pre-existing conditions?
The woman needs to consume 400-800 mcg of folic acid daily before conception. T/F/
Gravida - def
a woman who is or has been pregnant, regardless of length of pregnancy.
So a woman who is in L&D with quads and has had 2 miscarriage previously is a Gravida 3.
What is a primagravida?
A woman pregnant for the 1st time.
What is a multigravida?
A woman who has been pregnant more than once.
Para - def
refers to the number of pregnancies that have ended at 20 or more weeks.
What is a nullipara?
A woman who has never been pregnant or has not completed a pregnancy of 20 weeks or more.
Primipara - def
has delivered one pregnancy of at least 20 weeks.
Multipara -def
has delivered two or more pregnancies of at least 20 weeks.
What is negele’s rule?
It’s the way we figure out approximate due to date.
You take the LNMP, subtract 3 months, add seven days..and then change the year (if applicable)
So….LNPM of Jan 1, 2015.
Sub 3 = October 1, 2014
Add 7 = October 8, 2014
EDD = October 8, 2015
DTR should be assessed, but not a full neuro. T/F?
Urine - pretty much the same. T/F?
Visits -
Conception to 28 weeks - every __ weeks
29-36 weeks - every __ weeks
37 weeks - birth = __weekl
What is centering pregnancy?
Hippies in a circle.
what is the VDRL test or RPR test for?
Tests for syphyllis
What are leopold maneuvers?
Systematic method for palpating the fetus through the abdominal wall during the later part of pregnancy.
Take prenatal vitamins in the morning to help with N/V - T/F?
FALSE - take in the PM>
Heartburn - avoid big meals - eat every 2-3 hours. T/F?
Bathing - harmful. T/F?
FALSE - it protects them from infection…just watch the temp.
No more than 6 hours of car travel per day for the pregnant lady - and get out and walk often! T/F?
Live virus vaccines - totally fine for mom. T/F?