Chapter 10 - Antepartum Fetal Assessment Flashcards
Ultrasound - uses sounds waves. T/F?
What is a standard ultrasound test?
A general survey.
What is a specialized ultrasound test?
looks at specific areas.
What is a limited ultrasound?
Addresses a specific question.
What is a chorionic villus sampling for?
Takes some cells - tests the fetal cells.
What is placenta previa?
Abnormal implantation of placenta in the lower uterus!
what is MSAFP?
Maternal serum alpha fetoprotein.
Maternal intake of fruit juice can sometimes get the baby to move and kick. T/F?
doppler shift - what is it?
Forward movement of blood in a vessel.
Low levels of MSAFP suggest what?
High levels?
Low = Chromosomal abnomalities such as trisonomy 21. High = Neural tube defects and body wall defects.
CVS - performed when? 10-12
10-12 weeks of gestation
How can CVS be performed?
Transabdominal or trans cervical.
Why is a CVS done?
Fetal tissues show the chromosomal, metabolic, and genetic makeup of the fetus.
What is amniocentesis?
Aspiration of amniotic fluid from the amniotic sac for examination.
When is amniocentesis performed?
15-20 weeks.
What is the L/S ratio test?
Lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio - estimating fetal lung maturity.
What kind of needle is used for the amnio?
3-4 inch, 20-21 gauge needle
What’s one of the problems with amnio?
Well, since it’s done at about 15-20 weeks, it gives the women little turn around time to say “okay, my baby is going to be born with 3 heads and no brain….so I need to end this”
What is PUBS?
Pubs (Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling)- also called cordocentesis, involves the aspiration of fetal blood from the umbilical cord.Usualyl for diagnosis of blood problems, RH disease, acid-base status, etc.
What are the 3 goals of antepartum fetal surveillance?
Determine fetal health or compromise as accurately as possible, to reduce perinatal morbidity and mortality, and guide intervention by the obstetric team.
What is a nonstress test?
observing the fetal heart rate response to fetal movement.
What is the contraction stress tests?
Observing the fetal heart rate response to contractions (but if it’s self stimulation with the nipple, tell them to NOT do this at home).
The NST test - very stressful and harmful. T/F?
What is VAS?
Vibroacoustic stimulation - uses sound stimulating to elicit fetal movement.
How can we do a kick count?
Count fetal movements for 30 minutes 3x a day, count fetal movements daily for one hour, and then count to 10 - notice the start and stop from beginning to end.