Chapter 7 Flashcards
Urge and Urge and Urge, always the procreant urge of the world. Out of the dimness opposite equals advance, always substance and increase, always sex, always distinction
Walt Whitman
Fertiliation is not a moment or an event but a process of carefully orchestrated and coordinated events, including the contact and fusion of gametes, the fusion of pronuclei, and the activation of development. It is a process whereby two cells, each at the verge of _______ to create a new organism that will have numerous cell types and organs. It is just the beginning of a series of cell-cell interactions that characterize animal development
verge of death, unite
_______: The fusion of two sex cells to form a new genetically unique individual
Fertilization accomplishes two major goals:
1) sexual recombination
2) reproduction
_______: combines genetic information from both parents in a new way
sexual recombination
_______: creates a new organism
Fertilization proceeds through 4 major events:
1) _______ and recognition between sperm
2) _______ of sperm entry into oocyte
3) _______of genetic material contributed by sperm and egg
4) _______ of metabolism within the egg to begin development
1) contact
- ensures that only one species is involved
2) regulation
- ensures only 1 sperm is allowed in
3) fusion
4) activation
Sperm are produced through the modificatino of a germ-line cell:
1) virtually all _______ is lost
2) _______ condenses into a very compact form
3) a single ______ is produced
1) cytoplasm
2) nucleus
3) flagella
What are the 3 regions of a sperm?
1) head region
2) midpiece
3) tail
Head region:
Acrosomal vesicle sac of enzymes that digest _______ and _______
proteins and sugars
In the head region, the nucleus is _______ and _______, surrounded by very little cytoplasm
_______ organize and orient microtubules of the Axoneme
_______: central core of microtubules in flagella
Multiple _______ are arranged in rings around the axoneme and surrounded by a tough sheath
single _______ to provide movement. Whips _______ and _______
- eukaryotic flagella whip back and forth
What is the difference between egg and oocyte?
- egg is gamete capable of binding sperm
- oocyte is developing egg that isnt ready for fertilization
Unlike sperm, eggs accumulate large volumes of _______
Eggs contain:
1) _______ nutritive and energy supply
2) _______, which allow large burst of protein synthesis immediately following fertilization
3) _______ which provide early instructions for egg development, thousands of _______ stored in some species
4) _______ direct early differentiation, often sequestered in different regions of cytoplasm
5) _______ act as UV filters, DNA repair enzymes, antibodies, distasteful compounds
1) proteins
2) ribosomes and tRNA’s
3) mRNA’s
4) morphogenic factors
5) protective chemicals
Depending on the species, the egg may or may not have completed _______ prior to sperm entry
meiosis II
_______ finished all stages prior to sperm entry, while _______ egg remains in metaphase of meiosis II until sperm entry, then meiosis completes just prior to fusion of male and female pronuclei
Sea urchin