Chapter 7 Flashcards
selective attention
the ability to focus awareness on one stimulus, thought, or action, while simultaneously ignoring others. Selective attention can be directed at spatial locations, at object features, or at an entire object.
Inattentional blindness
is the failure to notice a fully-visible, but unexpected object, because our attention is focused elsewhere
Properties of Selective attention
-Prioritizing some “things” for cognitive processing while deprioritizing or ignoring other things
Voluntary (top-down) vs reflexive (bottom-up) attention
-reflexive (exogenous) – catches eye, attention drawing, incoming stimulus that draws our attention to it
-voluntary (endogenous) – higher level of processing
overt attention
major shifting of attention by moving the eyes or body (outside). For example, when a person moves his or her head in the direction of an object, they are paying overt attention to the object
covert attention (Herman von Helmholtz)
shifting attention from one place to another without moving the eyes; Spatial attention is often thought of metaphorically as a “spotlight” of attention that can move around as the person consciously desires
voluntary attention
Top-down, endogenous (internal decision): purposely directing your attention; focused and choose to focus. For example, cocktail party event - focus on specific conversation among large group of people (voluntary).
reflexive attention
Bottom-up, exogenous (what is driving the attention outside), stimulus-driven process in which a sensory event, such as a flash of light, motion or smn yelling your name captures our attention, even when you didn’t try to listen to it. (intrusion) The more salient the stimulus, the more easily our attention is captured: Think of how we respond to rapid movement that we see out of the corner of the eye (eek! a rat!) or the shattering of glass in a restaurant.
dichotic listening task? which kind of attention?
two different auditory stimuli (different speech) are presented simultaneously on different sides of headphone, person pays attention to one side and most can’t remember any details what other side said (unattended ear). In fact, all they could reliably report from the unattended ear was whether the speaker was male or female. Attention—in this case voluntary attention—affected what was processed.
cocktail party effect
when you speak with a friend in a busy room, but your attention may be drawn away if you hear something interesting in another conversation (covert attention)
global arousal vs selective attention
Global arousal is a physiological and psychological brain state, a general ability to be alert (general awareness), which includes 2 global states: wakefulness and sleep; whereas selective attention describes what we attend and ignore (pay attention to or not)
spatial cuing paradigm
When a cue correctly predicts the location of the sub- sequent target, it is a valid trial. If the relation between cue and target is strong—that is, the cue usually (say, 90 % of the time) predicts the target location—then participants learn to use the cue to predict the next target’s location. Sometimes, the target may be presented at a location not indicated by the cue, so the participant is misled in an invalid trial. Finally, the researcher may include some cues that give no information about the most likely location of the impending (coming) target—a neutral trial
It’s an example of spatial, covert and voluntary attention.
What is the benefit and cost of spatial attention?
The benefit of spatial attention is that we have a lower reaction time for the right fixation (valid) and the cost of spatial attention is that we have a higher reaction time for the left fixation (invalid)
Early vs Late selection
Early-selection - marking something as important before it has been fully processed, only the “most important,” or attended events pass through, which shows that we can focus on so much input at once. For example, cocktail party experiment.
2) the idea that a stimulus can be selected for further processing at early processing stages
* Only attended objects get high level processing and irrelevant stimuli are tossed out before perception
In contrast, late-selection - attention would act only after complete processing of the sensory inputs; ex: if your name was spoken in the other side of a dichotic listening task and you don’t know what was said but you know you heard your name
2) it argues that all information reaches higher processing stages
* Selection determines what information gains access to awareness
Attention function
Attention influences how we process sensory inputs, store that information in memory, process it semantically, and act on it.
What do descending auditory pathways show us about the early vs. late selection debate?
-outer hair cells see changes in otoacoustic emissions activity when we actively pay attention to stuff
-descending auditory pathways may modulate early auditory processing basically as early as auditory info enter the cochlear nuclei
What do ERPs in dichotic listening tasks show us about the early vs. late selection debate?
-larger N1 deflection/response when a person pays attention to sound being played
-smaller N1 deflection when person is not paying attention to sound
-proof that attentional selection in auditory sys. is treated differently early on
Where is evidence for early auditory attentional selection from MERFs found?
localized in primary auditory cortex
ERP in spatial attention tasks
-Covert change in spatial attention
-brain shows bigger attentional selection response (P1) when paying attention to correct side of screen
-evidence for early selection
What parts of the visual process are influenced by attentional selection?
visual cortex and thalamus
What does the Bestmann study show us about visual processing?
Attention modulates visual processing, even if the stimulus bypasses (miss) the thalamus and goes directly to the visual cortex
-evidence of late selection w/o early selection
V4 vs V5
V4 - processing of color and shapes (achromatopsia: total colorblindness, different from regular colorblindness)
V5 - How objects are moving (damage leads to akinetopsia)
Ocular apraxia
inability to make voluntary eye move. When the physician overlapped the spoon and comb in space as in Figure 7.1c, the Bálint’s patient should have been able, given his direction of gaze, to see both objects, but he could not.
Simultanagnosia (Balint’s Syndrome)
difficulty in seeing more than one part of a scene at once (the whole scene), such as when the patient saw only the comb or the spoon, but not both at the same time (Figure 7.1).
Optic ataxia
Type of dorsal stream/perception damage for action where a person has trouble using eyes for guiding movement
Ex: not having your hand in the correct position to grab an object/can’t put a card into a slot (action tasks)
(If the doctor had asked the Bálint’s patient to reach out and grasp the comb, the patient would have had a difficult time moving his hand through space toward the object.)
What’s Balint’s syndrome? What are the 3 main deficits of this disorder?
A condition resulting from damage to a person’s parietal lobe. Patients with Bálint’s syndrome have three main deficits for the disorder:
1) Simultanagnosia (difficulty perceiving the visual field as a whole scene);
2) Ocular apraxia (an inability to guide eye movements voluntarily);
3) Optic ataxia (difficulty reaching to grab an object).
unilateral spatial neglect
type of damage, typically as the result of a stroke to the right hemisphere, which is contralateral, resulting in an inability to recognize objects or body parts in the left visual field
ex: drawing half of something
Types of unilateral spatial neglect?
- extrapersonal space neglect
- object-centered neglect
extrapersonal spatial neglect VS object-centered spatial neglect
extrapersonal spatial neglect - type of unilateral spatial neglect where a person ignores the entire left side
ex: drawing a picture of a tree on your right but not the house on your left side
object-centered spatial neglect - type of unilateral spatial neglect where patient ignores one half of an object (usually left); ex: drawing half of a tree, half of a house etc.
extinction and neglect
A person can attend to objects on their left and right side, but when two objects are shown at the same time, the person pays more attention/prioritizes what is to the right side and only sees the object on the right
test for unilateral neglect
Line cancellation task.
Patients are given a sheet of paper containing many horizontal lines and are asked to bisect them in the middle. Patients with left-sided neglect tend to bisect the lines to the right of the midline (for a right-hemisphere lesion).
Sources of attention
-Dorsal attention network (where pathway, spatial relationships)
-Ventral attention network (what pathway)
-subcortical attention network
dorsal attention network responsible
(frontal and parietal lobe): top down, endogenous attentional control, which is voluntary, goal-directed attention; concerned primarily with orienting attention (ex: concerned with cueing tasks) - not lateralized
ventral attention network responsible
(frontal, parietal, and some temporal lobe): bottom up, exogenous attentional control (reflexive), responsible for disengaging and reorienting attention (invalid); highly lateralized to the right hemisphere (neglect left side)
subcortical attention network
-superior colliculus: important for attentional movement (ex: moving attention from one place to another, damage cause issues with shifting)
-pulvinar of the thalamus: has cells that are sensitive to visual stimuli, which helps guide and direct attention
Inhibition of return
a slowing of reaction time at detecting stimulus that caught your reflexive attention, your attention shifts back somewhere else so you will be slower to detect anything. Inhibition of return occurs if delay between stimuli is greater than 300 ms
What are the types of visual search?
pop-out and conjunction
Pop-out search
- Target defined by a single feature
- Pre-attentive
- Not affected by number of items to be searched
(e.g. find a red “o” in a group of green “x”s)
This phenomenon is called pop-out because the red O literally appears to pop out of the array of green letters on the basis of its color alone.
Conjunction search
the target is defined by the conjunction of two or more features. If the target shares features with the distractors, how- ever, so that it cannot be distinguished by a single feature (e.g., a red O among green X’s and O’s and red X’s, as in Figure 7.29b, or a red suitcase among black suitcases and differently shaped red and black backpacks), then the time it takes to determine whether the target is present or absent in the array increases with the number of distractors in the array
object-based attention
attention that is directed to a specific object. its faster when it’s perceived the same object
Neglect in Mental Imagery
Person imagines a place and only describes places on the right side of mental image
-gives us evidence that it is not a memory issue, it is an attentional issue
Hallmark of reflexive attention
A hallmark of reflexive attention is inhibition of return, the phenomenon in which the recently reflexively attended location becomes inhibited over time such that responses to stimuli occurring there are slowed
A stage of information processing where not all
of the inputs can gain access or pass through (the eardrum, when you become aware of what was said)
object constancy
the brain correctly perceives objects as constant in countless situations despite viewing angles (variation in the physical stimulus)
Variation of visual stimuli emerges from 3 factors:
- viewing position
- illumination
- context
primary visual cortex location
the region of the occipital cortex, where most visual information first arrives
ventral (occipitotemporal) stream function
visual pathway in the brain specialized for object perception and recognition (what), identify what an object is. It focuses on vision for recognition (identification).
dorsal (occipitoparietal) stream function
visual pathway in the brains specialized for spatial perception of objects (where), location of an object. It focuses on vision for action.
superior longitudinal fasciculus location
location of the dorsal stream (where) proceeds to the posterior parietal cortex
inferior longitudinal fasciculus location
location of the ventral stream (what) proceeds to the inferior temporal cortex
Experiments carried out on animals with bilateral lesions of the temporal lobe showed that… stream
…the ventral stream (“what”) was totally disrupted, while
the dorsal stream (“where”) was unaffected