Chapter 7 Flashcards
Which of the following primate traits are believed to have been selected for life in trees?
stereoscopic vision and an opposable thumb
Which primates used to live over much of Asia but now are found only on two islands in Indonesia?
Primatology helps anthropologists make inferences about the early social organization of hominids and untangle issues of human nature and the origins of culture.
Bonobos, which belong to the same genus as chimpanzees, are exceptional among primates because of
the frequency with which they have sex, a behavior associated with conflict avoidance.
What are the eras of ancient, middle, and recent life, respectively?
Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic
The study of nonhuman primates, using both fossils and living apes, monkeys, and prosimians (including their behavior and social life) is known as…
Discussions of primate and human evolution must be tentative because…
we don’t know everything yet…we are just starting to scrape the surface of this stuff.
Which of the following is an example of an analogy?
dolphin fins and fish fins
What species do some think coexisted with Homo erectus in Asia?
Based on scientific theories of evolution, humans are not descended from gorillas or chimps. Rather,
humans and African apes share one heck of an amazing common ancestor.
Humans and apes belong to the same taxonomic superfamily, Hominoidea.
Arboreal primates tend to be smaller and more agile.
What is the term for traits that organisms have jointly inherited from a common ancestor?
Sexual dimorphism tends to be more pronounced in terrestrial primate species.
We live in the Cenozoic Era
What is a taxonomy?
a classification scheme where organisms are assigned to categories
Which of the following are most closely related to chimpanzees?
The tribe hominini consists of
all the human species that ever existed (including extinct ones), excluding chimps and gorillas.
Which of the following is NOT a hominoid?
Which of the following is NOT one of the general primate adaptations discussed in the textbook?
aquatic lifestyle