Chapter 10 Flashcards
Although the debate over the origin of behavioral modernity continues, archaeological work in many world areas
suggests strongly that neither anatomical modernity nor behavioral modernity was an European invention.
Which of the following tools were being used during the Upper Paleolithic time frame?
Mousterian tools were used by Neanderthals, Blade tools by AMH, and a modified version of Acheulian tools were used by H. floresiensis.
How was the blade-core method, which characterizes the tools of Upper Paleolithic traditions, superior to Mousterian technology?
The Upper Paleolithic blade-core method was faster and produced 15 times as much cutting edge from the same amount of material.
During the Upper Paleolithic, the hominin range
expanded significantly, in large part due to Homo’s increasing reliance on cultural means of adaptation.
Climate changes had a profound impact on the hominin way of life. In southwestern Europe, for example,
the melting of the ice sheets with the end of the Würm glacial period gradually lured big game farther north, pressuring hominins to use a greater variety of foods.
What hominin species is associated with the broad-spectrum revolution
anatomically modern humans
What hominin species is associated with the cave paintings in Western Europe?
anatomically modern humans
How did modern humans take advantage of global climate change to expand their range?
During major glacials, with so much water frozen in ice, land bridges formed, aiding human colonization of new areas such as Australia by 46,000 B.P. and the Americas perhaps by 18,000 B.P.
When and how was Australia settled?
Humans crossed the narrow straits separating Asia and the then-continent of Sahul (Australia, New Guinea, and Tasmania), perhaps in primitive watercraft, around 50,000 B.P.
What is the name of the land bridge that linked the eastern tip of Siberia to Alaska?
The Clovis tradition, a sophisticated stone technology based on a sharp point that was fastened to the end of a hunting spear, flourished (widely but briefly) in the central plains and in what is now the eastern United States. Until recently, the Clovis people were considered the first settlers of the Americas. Recent research now suggests, however, that
most likely the Americas were settled by several colonists who came at different times, perhaps by different routes, and had different physiques and genetic markers, which continue to be discovered and debated.
Recent research has pushed back the probable date of the first arrival of anatomically modern humans in the Americas to
18,000 years ago, and perhaps even earlier.
Recent DNA analysis of Australian Aborigines has revealed that their ancestors branched off from ancestral Europeans and Asians 70,000 to 50,000 years ago. This research indicates
Australian Aborigines are direct descendants of the first modern humans to leave Africa.
Which of the following aided the expansion of human populations throughout North America?
abundant big-game animals
Which of the following is true about the peopling of the Pacific?
Navigation skills played an important role in the peopling of the Pacific.
What is the earliest known settlement in Polynesia?
Anatomically modern humans (AMHs) evolved from an archaic Homo sapiens African ancestor. Eventually, AMHs spread to other areas, including western Europe, where they replaced or interbred with the Neandertals, whose robust traits eventually disappeared.
To what does the advent of behavioral modernity refer?
when early anatomically modern humans became fully human in behavior (relying on symbolic thought and elaborating cultural creativity) as well as in anatomy
What hypothesis suggests that as the massive ice sheets covering w. North America retreated the first humans arrived on the continent not only by foot but by boat, traveling down the Pacific shore and subsisting on abundant coastal resources?
Kelp Highway hypothesis