Chapter 6 : Understanding Psychiatric Diagnosis: The DSM-IV-TR Flashcards
the process of determing, through examination and analysis, the nature of a patient’s illness.
When was the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders first published?
When was the newest revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders published?
How many axes are there?
What axis includes clinical disorders and other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention?
Axis I
What axis is the main psychiatric diagnosis (ex: schizophrenia, depression)?
Axis I
What axis includes personality disorders, mental retardation?
Axis II
What axis includes General Medical Disorders?
Axis III
What axis includes problems in psychosocial, Environmental Problems, life circumstances, or in relationships with others?
Axis IV
What axis includes Global assessment of functioning?
Axis V
What axis is most important to OT practitioners?
Axis V
Axis V is rated on a scale from what to what?
0 to 100
Not disease entities but rather characteristic styles of adaptation that constitute a maladaptive personality – affects how one interacts with the world
(ex: paranoid, histrionic and dependent)
Axis II
Physical conditions such as brain injury or HIV/AIDS that can result in symptoms of mental illness are included here.
Axis III
Generally negative conditions (death, loss, marital issues)
Sometimes positive conditions (promotion, birth)
Axis IV
Provides for the coding of the person’s level of functioning at the time of evaluation - present
Highest level during the past year at admission and discharge
Axis V