Chapter 1 : History and Basic Concepts Flashcards
Man’s goal directed used of time, interest, energy and attention. Activity with a purpose, with meaning unique to the person performing it is known as…..
- A state of being relative rather than absolute.
- successful functioning within daily life activities, relationships, and exploration and growth
- ability to resolve conflicts in mature ways
- a balanced & satisfying life with energy divided between work, leisure, self care, and care of others
- juggling conflicting demands
mental health
a behavioral or psychological syndrome that causes significant distress or disability, or a significantly increased risk of suffering death, pain or an important loss of freedom
mental disorder
the most important thing for occupational therapy is the emphasis on impairment in the important areas of what…..
the history of OT is intertwined with what?
developed by Pinel in France and Tukes in England….
Moral Treatment Movement
Respect for the individual and a belief that the mentally ill would benefit most from a regular daily routine and the opportunity to contribute productively to their own care and to the welfare of society in general through involvement in occupation
Moral Treatment Movement
What arose out of the moral treatment movement?
Occupational Therapy
what act helped move mentally ill from institution to community living?
Community Mental Health Act (1963)
What year was OT attacked for no scientific basis?
moving from one kind of institution to another is known as what?
Who began to use activities to evaluate their patient’s psychodynamics (emotions and psychological defenses)?
Gail and Jay Fidler
What changed the incentives for the states and changed state responsibility to federal responsibility?
Medicaid and Medicare Legislation of 1965
What was discovered in 1950 that was a huge breakthrough?
What years was there an increase and funding for mental health research?
reinforcing desired behavior through carefully selected rewards and by enforcing limits on undesirable behavior
behavioral therapy
Who built and started using the model of human occupation (MOHO)?
Kielhofner and Burke
Who developed sensory integration theory?
Lorna Jean King
Who began developing a new scientific discipline called occupational science in the 1980s?
Florence Clark
Who came up with the theory of cognitive disabilities?
Claudia Allen
A way to study how people understand and tell the stories of their lives
Narrative Reasoning
Which act mandates that qualified persons may not be excluded from employment and work activities because of disability due to physical or mental impairments?
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
Most prevalent form of intervention for persons with mental disorders is…..
psychiatric rehabilitation
A proposed public policy that would require insurance companies to reimburse for mental health care to the same extent as physical health care is called…..
mental health parity
Who proposed that poor functioning and grossly abnormal posture in chronic schizophrenia could be attributed to errors in sensory processing?
Lorna Jean King