Chapter 6: The Philosophical Aspect of Science and Technology Flashcards
The systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
Also refer to the body or system of knowledge derived from such studies.
Science originated from?
Literally “love of wisdom”, is the investigation of the nature of knowledge, existence, and reality.
He refined the process of scientific reasoning during the renaissance.
Francis Bacon
He emphasized the importance of deductive reasoning
He realized that deductive reasoning can be combined with by inductive reasoning.
Francis Bacon
the process of obtaining a specific statement of theory from a more generalized model or observation.
Generates and generalized statement from specific observation.
3 Different fields of modern science
Natural Science
Social Science
Formal Science
field of modern science that investigate natural phenomena; they attempt to give an explanation of how things happen or work based on the careful interpretation of empirical data (physical and biological science).
Natural Science
insights on human behavior and societies.
Social Science
field of modern science based on the set of rules defined beforehand (priori statements)
Formal Science
it is the set of rules defined beforehand
priori statements
Who discussed the verificationism or verifiability
Berlin Circle and Vienna Circle
Falsification Principle is by?
Karl Popper
a discipline is a scientific if it can be supported by empirical evidence, if it cannot be observed, it is regarded as meaningless.
verificationism or verifiability
means that a hypothesis or idea can be tested by experimentation. As long as the experiment shows that an idea is not false, it is accepted as the prevailing explanation to the relevant phenomena.
Falsification Principle
The study of scientific methods of inquiry, as well the defining of the scope and validity of science.
Philosophy of Science
Socrates was condemned and put to death by
the Athenian society
He asked questions about moral and psychological issues and challenged existing ideas.
He focused about the life itself “The unexamined life is not worth living
Plato found his own school named?
the famed Academy
he focused in metaphysics and epistemology
Plato is focused on
metaphysics and epistemology
tutor of Alexander the great and systematized logic
The purpose of life is to live in virtue. In order to be attuned with nature, people must reject all conventional needs such as power, sex, and wealth. The main figures of cynicism are Antisthenes, Diogenes and Crates of Thebes.
The main figures of cynicism are
Antisthenes, Diogenes and Crates of Thebes
Major School of Philosophy believed that people should doubt their senses, morality, and logic. No one can be certain about the knowledge we have
Considered all the sensation we experience are true.
Epicureanism emphasized the importance of ______and _______ as the innate goal of man.
maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain
Epicureans is founded by
Posited that perfect rationality is the key to achieve moral goodness and happiness.
Stoics leans forward to the achievement of ______
and it is a state of mind wherein one is not distributed by passions, pain, or emotions,
apatheia (equanimity)
The founder of Stoics
Zeno of Citium
considered to be opposite of evil and what is good is preferred and desirable
is a positive emotion or state arising from well being includes physical and mental health, life satisfactions, and a sense of purpose.
happiness is a spiritual state
Eastern Religion
freedom from cravings as happiness
freedom from the cycle of births and deaths.
interplay of genetics. Brain physiology and chemistry, body hormones, and physical health is involved in happiness.
Biological Perspectives
Happiness in Greek
Plato asserted that the highest form of happiness results from
morality and justice.
Is a concept central to the philosophy of Aristotle.
Aristotle work where he discussed other concept such as arete(virtue) and philia (friendship
It is the end goal of human activities to lead a life- it is a complete end by itself
comparable to Abraham Maslow’s concept, a desirable for fulfillment or achieving the most out of one’s potential.
Self – actualization
arete means
philia means
Eudaimonia can be achieved by
rational action
virtue of thought arises from teaching.
Intellectual virtue
virtues of character arise from practice of habit.
Moral virtue
Meaning of Episteme
scientific knowledge
Meaning of Phronesis
practical wisdom
Meaning of Andreia
Meaning of Sophrosune
Technology is not an ________; it is a way of revealing the _______ about the world.
instrument | truth
________ is not controlled by ______; it is technology that can______human activity.
Technology | human | control
Technology derived from the geek word
refers to both manufacturing and the arts
bringing-forth and something that brings “concealment to the unconcealment
Greek word for truth
Modern technology reveals by
german word for enframing
Heidegger called for humans to practice meditative thinking over calculative thinking.
Memorial Address
emphasize numbers and categories; it only works to satisfy our material desire.
Calculative Thinking
elucidates the meaning of things, we allow nature to reveal itself to us.
Mediative Thinking
Mediative thinking allows us to be
open to the truth
is a unifying force that tied together culture, religion, politics and society. Art expressed humanity’s oneness with the universe
is ultimately tied to good.
to understood the world we are in; thus, leads us closer to the truth.
aim of science