Chapter 3: Intellectual Revolutions in the History of Science Flashcards
He identified such transitions as paradigm shift in his work The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.
Thomas S. Kuhn
Specific events in the progression of science that led to a complete change of explaining phenomena from the natural world.
Scientific Revolution
Proposed a model where the earth was a sphere in the center of the universe; the sun, moon, stars, and planet revolve around the earth.
Claudius Ptolemy
What is the two movement system Claudius Ptolemy stated?
Deferent and Epicycle
Claudius Ptolemy includes geocentric model in his mathematical and astronomical treatise ______.
He asserted that the motion of heavenly bodies is uniform and circular and the sun is near the center of the universe
Nicolaus Copernicus
Considered that the sun as the center of the universe and that the planets revolve around the sun.
Heliocentric Model
The first one to suggest that planets revolve around the sun.
Aristarchus of Samos
Copernicus first published his model in 1514.
Commentariolus (Little Commentary)
When did Copernicus finished his treatise De Revolutionibus orbium caelestium (On the revolutions of Heavenly Spheres)
Who revised and expounded Copernicus model
Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler, and Galileo Galilei.
He discussed the following Law of universal gravitation, Nature of Light, Theory of Color
Isaac Newton
All matter in the universe will be affected by the force of gravity in the same manner.
Law of Universal Gravitation
Isaac Newton discussed law of Universal Gravitation in his work?
Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica in 1687.
foundation of classical mechanics
law of motion
the developer of infinitesimal calculus along with Gottfried Leibniz.
Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton, as the developer of infinitesimal calculus along with?
Gottfried Leibniz.
Isaac Newton, showed that the white light coming from the sun can be refracted using a glass prism into a spectrum of different colors.
Nature of Light
Father of Chemistry and Figure head of the chemical revolution.
Robert Boyle
His experimentation and observations were usually tainted with pseudoscience concept from alchemy.
Robert Boyle
Robert Boyle experimentation and observations were usually tainted with __________?
pseudoscience concept from alchemy
Father of Modern Chemistry and He sparked the chemical revolution and study on the role of oxygen on combustion.
Antoine- Laurent Lavoiser
He discovered oxygen
Joseph Priestley
When did Antoine Laurent Lavoiser began his study on the role of oxygen on combustion?
assumed the presence of phlogiston, a fire like element contained in objects. It is a theory by Antoine- Laurent Lavoiser.
Phlogiston Theory
most outstanding work of Antoine- Laurent Lavoiser
Traite elementaire de chimie (Elementary Treatise of Chemistry)
Antoine- Laurent Lavoiser revised the chemical nomenclature and establishing standards for conducting elements that made him?
made him the undeniable figure head of the chemical revolution
His work are the following: Special Theory of Relativity and, Photoelectric effect
Albert Eistein
What are the 3 books under Annus Mirabilis Papers (Miracle Year Papers):
- Photoelectric effect
- Brownian motion
- Mass energy equivalence
Serves as one of the pilar of modern physics. Time and motion are entirely relative, where space and time are considered fixed
Special Theory of Relativity
General Theory of Relativity was published in
Einstein’s work that led him win the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics.
photoelectric effect
He contemplate on the diversity of plant and animal life on the planet.
Charles Darwin
According to Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace, the process of evolution is driven by?
natural selection
The process of evolution is driven by natural selection is according to?
Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace
When did Charles Darwin published his theory in the work On the Origins of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the struggle for life.
Charles Darwin’s work became the foundation of?
evolutionary biology
He first attempted to explain human behavior in term of physiological events in the brain
Sigmund Freud
behavior arises from the interaction of the conscious and unconscious dimension of the human mind
Psychoanalytic theory
Psychoanalytic theory by
Sigmund Freud
Part of the mind that cannot be controlled nor cannot be directly understood.
Mental disorders were thought to arise from
psychological repression
Mental disorders can be understood by the
interpretation of dreams
examination of verbal slips
analyzing the results of free association
patients were allowed to speak whatever is in their mind without restrictions.
Free association
an unconscious sexual yearning for the parent of different sex and hatred for the other parent.
Oedipus Complex