Chapter 6: The Peopling of Australia and the New World Flashcards
a land bridge that connected Asia and North America during periods of low sea level
Blackwater Draw
a site near Clovis, New Mexico, where spear-points were found in levels below Folsom points
Clovis culture
the initial human occupation of the Americas
Fire-stick farming
the aboriginal use of fire in hunting in Australia
control, ownership and controversy of a 9,200 year old skeleton in Washington
Meadowcroft Rockshelter
in Pennsylvania where evidence was found supporting pre-Clovis occupation of the New World
Monte Verde
in Chile where evidence of human occupation that denies Clovis culture represents the first occupation of the Americas
large animals that became extinct in the Americas and Australia toward the end of the Pleistocene
Nauwalabila I
the earliest secure evidence of human occupation in Australia
the earliest culture in Beringia
Watson Brake
a series of mounds in Louisiana built that provide the earliest evidence of monumental construction
on the island of Java where the most recent known fossil of Homo erectus was found
Pedra Furada
in Brazil where highly controversial evidence of human occupation
Pedra Pintada
in the Brazilian Amazon that demonstrates there were groups contemporary with the Clovis culture
the landmass that encompassed Australia, Tasmania, and New Guinea during periods of low sea level
the landmass that connected much of Southeast Asia during periods of low sea level
Wallace Line
runs through Wallacea and separates the unique animals and plants of Australia from the ones in Southeast Asia
Wilson-Leonard site
in Texas with a stratigraphic sequence that includes both Paleoindian and Archaic occupations