Chapter 6- social media Flashcards
what are the types of social media tools
Folksonomies Hosted services Mashup blogs social networking sites twitter youtube fliker facebook video sharing sites web applications wikis
what are foksnomies
Folksonomies also know as “tagging” allow consumers to categorise and organise online content. Folksonomies allow users to file similar content electronically using a tag. Anyone who types in the tag canaccess the information, photo or video e
what are hosted devices
A hosted service provides aservice via the internet. If you have a website your website is a host service that provides connectivity, applications, servers and information for your users
what are mashups
mashups are a mixture of web applications when two or more mediumare displayed together and combined
what are blogs
Blog comes from the phrase ‘web log’ which has been shortened to blog. A blog is like a personal journal, diary or space that allows you to record your thoughts, viewpoints and experiences for the world to see.
what are social networking sites
social networking site is a website that allow you to create a personal profile and display information about yourself including things like your relationship status, likes and dislikes, occupation etc. People who connect with you on the site can see your information.
what are the basics of twitter
Twitter is a micoblogging social networking service that allows people to be connected through sending a “tweet” which is a 140-character text message. People sign up to follow specific people on twitter;when this person tweets a message you receive it instantly. For example, you might sign up to receive tweets from Usain Bolt, so every time he tweets something about his day or what he is doing you can read it
what are the basics of youtube
YouTube allows people from all around the world to share, view and upload videos. Settings can allow these videos to be seen only by subscribers (usually family andfriends) or the general public.
what are the basics of Flickr
flickr is a social networking site that allows users to share photos. Anyone can access photos without subscribingto the site, but you must subscribeifyouwish to upload photos or view private photos from family andfriends. Flickr is an excellent way to upload a large amount of photos for friends and family to view if you are travelling
what are the basics of facebook
facebook is the world’s most used social networking site. In 2012 over 1 billion people were members of the site. It is completely free to use and the business generates income through advertising. (Wikipedia)To use Facebook users must subscribe.They createa profile for themselves which allows them to join groups,add friends, exchange messages andreceive automatic updates when someone updates their profile.
what are video sharing sites
video sharing sites allow you to upload videos to their website where they are stored on the site’s server and can be viewed by others around the world. Many of these sites have privacy options which can allow you to decide who can view your video.
what are web applications
A web application is any tool that can be accessed through the web, including apps that can be downloaded to mobile phones, tablets and computers. Web applications allow users to submit and retrieve information through the internet. intranet and extranet.
what are wikis
a wiki is a website that allows people to communicate with one another by posting comments. Others can add comments to the discussion, which might need to beapproved by the wiki’s creator.
what are the advantages of social media
ability to connect and communicate with family and friends. common interests, financial exchange, knowledge, personal relationships, prestige and relationships/beleifs
what is ease of use
how easy it is to navigate around a site, if it isn’t easy to use then no one will lists it. you should include
what is affordability
Is there a cost involved in using or purchasing the social media tool and/or application? If there is you will need to carefully consider the pricing of the product and whether it is reasonable in the current market place as this will directly affect how popular the tool/application becomes and whether people feel there is value in the purchase
what is reliability
needs to be reliable not crash when lots of people visit or upload on the site
what is Desirable features for an online presence
range of features that are easy to use
online forums- can ask questions use their experiences to find others .
bulletin board- important that you regularly update them with useful information about any new features that have been added to your tool/application.
what is easy of comunications
need to be easy to communicate with users if there is any problems it could also be useful to have a contact us of a FAQ page
what are social media issues
When operating, posting or contributing to social media and using tools and applications it is
important that you are aware of some of the ethical issues and laws that may affect you\
Issues to be aware of include:
what is copy right
a law that protects against the use of material created by someone else without appropriate
permission. This is enforced through the Copyright Act
It includes an inability to use, publish, publicly communicate (eg radio, tv,) or copy physical work
(written or images) owned by a person or an organisation without their permission.
what is privacy
privacy relates to the protection of people’s personal information as well as protection of a person’s communications through the internet including email, msn, chat rooms, Skype etc.
The Privacy Act relates to:
•how your personal information is collected (e.g. the personal information you provide when you fill in a form)
•how it is then used and disclosed
•its accuracy
•how securely it is kept
•your general right to access that information
what is trust
Trust is also an issue to be aware of when using social media tools; this is especially important when allowing people that you know to access your personal information and profile online. You need to trust that this person is not misusing the information that they have access to or passing it on to others without your permission.
what are security issues
Security is an important consideration when using online social media applications. All social media tools that you use as well as any communication tools such as email, msn and Skype should be secured using password protection.
what is a .exe file
an executable file which contains the core programming of an application. When this file type is clicked on the programming instructions inside the exe file are used to install or run the program.
what is a pdf. file
pdf files are portable document files; they are files that can be transferred from one computer to another without the format changing (ie: fonts, borders, images etc). They ensure that viewers look at a document exactly how it was created by the author. They cannotbe easily manipulated or edited without specific software. To view a PDF filea computer must have the software Adobe Reader. AnyWorddocument can be saved as a PDF/converted into a PDF simply through changing the format when saving the document
what is a ppt. file
ppt –presentation files generated from PowerPoint. To open a .ppt file you must have a version of Microsoft PowerPoint on your computer
zip files
files that have been compressed
rtf files
rich text format files
audio files
mid (MIDI)–stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface. It is mostly used by music authoring software; programs that allow you to write your own music,such as Garageband. .
mp3 –one of the most common file formats for music and audio recordings. This file type can be uploaded and synced with handheld music devices such as mp3 players and iPods.
.wav –stands for Waveform Audio File. These files provide high quality sound files. However, their drawback is that they usemore space than a mp3 file. They are mostly used when file size is not an issue
text files
htm –stands for Hypertext Markup Language. These are file types that are used for webpages on the internet. These files are the backbone of any web page. A web browser reads the html inside the file and turns it into a visible and audible webpage.
.txt files are plain text only files. If a file is saved in this format it will removeall fonts, images and formatting.
video files
avi (Audio Video Interleave) which links video and sound files which can be viewed on almost any operating system including Windows and Mac.
.mpg is an abbreviation for MPEG which stands for Moving Picture Expert Group. This type of video file is most widely used for digital broadcasting and DVD recordings as it provides quality images and sound while using a lower bit rate (time taken to process data) than other video file formats.
.mov file type is mostly used by Mac users as it runs easily usinga software program called QuickTime. It is a popular file type used in social media as it is easy to editand can be easily embedded on profile pages and websiteswithout requiring the code to be re-written
To create and operate a social media tool or application it is important that you understand .asp and .xml file types as they are vital to website development and internet use.
.asp stands for Active Server Pages which can allow you to develop and run interactive web applications such as a social networking site. These files are easily modifiable, and very flexible. The only negative to usingActive Server Pages is that you need some level of programming knowledge.
.xml(Extensible Markup Language)files are designed for the web, allowing data to be transported and stored. XML is a universal language that is used to assist one application in communicating, working and sharing data with another application.
Generally the more complex the password, the more secure it is. A secure password should include a series of both upper and lower case letters andnumbers. You should avoid using your name or variations of your name that would be easy for a person who knows you to crack. Your password should be kept private at all times. You should be the only person who knows your password and therefore the only person who can gain access to your personal information. If you do find out that your password has been compromised you should change it immediately.