Chapter 6 - Recruitment Flashcards
“The process of searching out and attracting qualified job applicants, which begins with the identification of a position that requires staffing and is completed when résumés and/or completed application forms are received from an adequate number of applicants.”
A specialist in recruitment, whose job it is to find and attract capable candidates
The image of an organization based on the benefits of being employed by that organization;
includes experiences a candidate goes through during the recruitment process, including:
*experience when they go to the company’s website
*acknowledgement thanking candidate who sends in a résumé;
initial greeting by the receptionist
ability of the interviewer to articulate organization’s values and culture
Employer Branding
Three Steps of Employee Branding:
- Define the target audience, where to find them, and what they want from an employer
- Develop the employee value proposition, and the reasons why the organization is a more attractive employer
- Communicate the brand by incorporating the value proposition into all recruitment efforts
The Recruitment Process
- Identify job openings
- Specify job requirements
- Select methods of recruitment
- Generate pool of qualified applicants
Facilitates comparison of candidates;
Information that the company requires is specifically requested;
May be used as a sample of the candidate’s own work; includes a written authorization for reference checking;
includes acknowledge that the information provided is true and accurate;
many application forms include an optional section regarding designated group member status
Application Forms
Application Types
- Biographical Information Blank
2. Online Application
Biographical data predictive of job success is scored;
includes background, experiences, preferences
Biographical Information Blank (BIB)
Reduce risk of lost applications;
increase exposure level of job ad;
may reduce biases based on face-to face meetings
Online Applications
The accumulation of firm-specific knowledge and experience involves a joint investment by both the employee and employer
therefore, both parties benefit from maintaining a long-term relationship
Human Capital Theory
Notifying current employees about vacant positions
Job Posting
Review of information on existing employees to identify candidates for openings
Human Resources Records
Review of qualification, interest skills of existing employees
Skills Inventories
Advantages of Outside Recruitment
- a larger pool of qualified candidates
- availability of a more diverse applicant pool
- acquisition of new skills, knowledge, and ideas
- elimination of employee rivalry and competition for transfers and promotions
- hiring individuals who already have necessary skills reduces training costs
Percentage of applicants that proceed to next stage of selection
Yield Ratios
Time from start of recruitment to new employee starting work
Time lapse data
Ways to get a job
- employee referrals
- former employees
- educational institutions
- open houses, job fairs
- professional and trade associations
- labour organizations
- military personnel
- online recruiting
- Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC)
- executive search firms
- private employment agencies
- walk-ins and write-ins
- online networking sites
- print advertising
Provide relief for employees who are ill, on vacation, taking a leave of absence, etc.
1. cost less than permanent employees
2. immediate replacement of an unsuitable temporary worker
3. workers are often highly motivated
Temporary Help Agencies
Work directly for the employer; specific type of work or period of time benefits: 1. coverage for seasonal or unplanned peaks in business 2. specialized work or projects 3. reduced layoffs during downturns
Contract Workers
Workers at or beyond retirement age; typically have high job satisfaction, strong sense of loyalty and work ethic, good people skills considerations: 1. remove stereotypical attitudes 2. develop flexible work arrangements
Older Workers
High energy, enthusiasm, physical strength
1. provide independence and work-life balance
2. give variety of experiences
Younger Employees
Assists in goal of employment equity
1. alternative publications for recruitment
2. liaise with agencies assisting designated groups
Designated Group Members