Chapter 5 - Human Resources Planning Flashcards
“The process of forecasting future human resources requirements to ensure that the organization will have the required number of employees with the necessary skills to meet its strategic objectives.”
Human Resources Planning (HRP)
Importance of HRP
- meet strategic goals and objectives
- achieve economies in hiring new workers
- make major market labour demands successfully
- anticipate and avoid shortages and surpluses of human resources
- control or reduce labour costs
does not occur independently of the other departments within an organization (such as finance, marketing, research and development);
must align with the overall goals of the organization as well as both the long-term and short-term strategic plans set by the organization.
The Relationship between HRP and Strategic Planning
The Importance of Environmental Scanning
External environmental factors monitored include:
- economic conditions
- market and competitive trends
- new or revised laws relating to HR
- social concerns (health care, childcare, educational priorities)
- technological changes
- demographic trends
Steps in the HRP Process
- Forecasting the Availability of Candidates (Supply)
- Forecasting Future HR Needs (Demand)
- Planning and Implementing HR Programs to Balance Supply and Demand
skills inventories and management inventories;
replacement charts and replacement summaries;
succession planning
Forecasting the Availability of Candidates (Supply)
Summary of current employees’ education, experience, interests, and skills;
used to identify eligibility for transfer/promotion
Skills Inventories
Summary of management employees qualifications, skills, interests, managerial responsibilities;
used to identify eligibility for transfer/promotion
Management Inventories
Depiction of who will replace whom in the event of a job opening;
internal candidates age, present performance rating, and promotability status are listed
Replacement Charts
Lists of likely replacements for each position;
indicates relative strengths/weaknesses, current position, performance, promotability, age, and experience
Replacement Summaries
Ensuring supply of successors for key jobs so that careers can be effectively planned and managed;
*analysis of demand for managers and professionals
*audit and projection of likely future supply
*planning individual career paths, career counseling
*accelerated promotions
*planned strategic recruitment
Succession Planning
A method of forecasting internal labour supply that involves tracking the pattern of employee movements through various jobs and developing a transitional probability matrix
Markov Analysis
Market conditions assessed:
- General economic conditions
- Labour market conditions
- Occupational market conditions
Interest rates, wage rates, inflation, unemployment rates
General Economic Conditions
Demographics: education levels, age, gender, marital status
Labour Market Conditions
Relevant occupations (as applicable): e.g. engineers, skilled labour, accountants, etc.
Occupational Market Conditions
Predict future needs based on past employment levels
Trend Analysis
Ratio of business activity and number of employees needed, e.g. sales revenue per salesperson
Ratio Analysis
Used to determine whether two factors (business activity and staffing levels) are related
Scatter Plot
Examines the statistical relationship between business activity and employees
Regression Analysis
Involves a group of experts meeting face to face;
Steps include independent idea generation, clarification and open discussion, and private assessment
Nominal Group Technique
Judgmental forecasting method involving outside experts as well as organizational employees;
ideas are exchanged without face-to-face interaction and feedback is used to fine-tune until consensus is reached
Delphi Technique
A pictorial representation of all jobs within the organization, along with the number of current incumbents and future employment requirements (monthly or yearly) for each
Staffing Table
The internal supply of employees exceeds the organization’s forecasted demand
Labour Surplus
The internal supply of human resources cannot meet the organization’s needs
Labour Shortage
Responding to a Labour Surplus
- hiring freeze/attrition
- early retirement buyout programs
- job sharing
work sharing - reduced workweek
- layoff
- termination
- leave of absence
- survivor syndrome
- supplemental unemployment benefits
- severance package
- pay
- benefits
- golden parachute
- outplacement assistance
Responding to a Labour Shortage
Internal solutions:
- transfer
- promotion
- employee retention
External solutions:
4. recruiting