Chapter 6- Professional conduct Flashcards
Education practices committee
25 members who are nominated by the commissioner of education and appointed by the state Board of Education. They can suspend or revoke a teacher certificate or take other appropriate action against a teacher.
Exceptional student education students (ESE)
Students with disabilities and gifted students.
Under IDEA each student identified as a child with a disability must have an individualized education plan (IEP)
Free appropriate public education (FAPE)
Specially designed instruction and related services to children with disabilities, ages 3 through 12, in the least restrictive environment (LRE) that is appropriate for the student
The commitment to educate each child, to the maximum extent appropriate, in the regular education setting by bringing the support services to the child.
Gifted student
One who has superior intellectual development and is capable of high-performance
Requires an educational plan EP for each student identified as gifted
Benefit from working with their classmates, but also need time to work alone and with other gifted students. Fast please, very abstract, and challenging instruction.
Procedural safeguards
The FAC provides well define procedural safeguards for parents of ESE students the safeguards are the rights of parents and students relating to notice, consent, independent education evaluation, records, hearings, and appeals in accordance with federal and state law.
Inform parental consent for both initial evaluation and reevaluation of a child is required.
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
To be certain that everyone understands that along with the privilege of Internet usage comes to responsibility of appropriate usage.
West Virginia State Board of Education versus Barnett 1943
Prohibit schools from requiring their students participate in flag salute or other patriotic ceremonies as part of the school
Brown versus board of education 1950
Band practice of racial segregation in schools, striking down the notion of separate but equal schooling
Engel vs Vitale 1962
Found that school created prayer in school even when students pray voluntarily is considered unconstitutional
Chapter one of the elementary and secondary education act of 1965 (ESEA)
Provided a comprehensive plan for addressing the any quality of educational opportunity for economically disadvantaged children
Everson versus Arkansas 1968
Found prohibit the of teaching human evolution to be unconstitutional
Pickering versus board of education 1968
Provided that teachers have the right of free speech on matters of public concern
Tinker versus Des Moines Independent community school district 1969
Supported students right to free expansion, ruling that students do not shed their constitutional rights at the school house key.
Title IX of the education amendments of 1972
Prohibited sex discrimination in any public school; also protected students from sexual-harassment in all of schools programs or activities, why do they take place at school on the bus or at a function sponsored by the school that takes place off-campus.
Section 504 of the rehabilitation act of 1973
Prohibit schools from discriminating against students with disabilities.
The family educational rights and privacy act of 1973 (FERPA)
Protect the privacy of student education records.
Allow schools to disclose those records, without consent, to school officials with legitimate educational interest in the child
Tomerlin versus dade school board 1975
Decided that teachers in Florida are held to a higher moral standard by virtue of their positions
Education of all handicapped children act 1975
Mandated that children with disabilities are entitled to a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment
Copyright law 1978
Restricted copying of copyrighted material including text, audio, video, graphics, computer software, etc. under fair use teachers can do a limited copy but the amount needs to be brief and the use must not be long-term
Adams versus stay professional practices counsel 1981
Confirm that teachers in Florida are held to a higher standard
Anderson versus Evans 1981
Limited teachers free-speech rights by indicating that a balance must be stuck between the ages of the employee as an individual and the public interest served by the employer
Castaneda v. Pickled 1981
the court decision established a three-part assessment for determining how bilingual education programs would be held responsible for meeting the requirements of the Equal Educational Opportunities Act of 1974
Plyer versus Doe 1982
Decided that he states that you denying school enrollment to education of illegal immigrants violated the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment
Florida educational equity act (FEEA) of 1984
Prohibited discrimination against students and employees in the Florida K-20 Public education system on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, disability, or marital status.
New Jersey versus TLO 1985
Permitted a school to search students and their property without a search warrant if the school has a reasonable suspicion of wrongdoing
Bethel school district versus fraser 1986
Permitted schools to punish students for Lewd/obscene speech
Hazelwood School district versus Kuhlmeier 1988
Gave schools the right to censor students speech in circumstances where the speech is contrary to the schools “basic educational mission”
Virgil versus school board of Columbia County 1989
Permitted a school board to remove an offensive book from the curriculum
Americans with disabilities act of 1990
Prohibited discrimination against any person with disabilities
League of united Latin American citizens LULAC versus Florida Board of education 1990
Resulted in Florida concept degree which mandates equal access to program subject matter content and benefits to English for speakers of other languages students in Florida public schools
Lee v. Weismann (1992)
Prohibited clergy From offering prayer at public school ceremonies
Individuals with disabilities education act (IDEA)
Provided updated mandates regarding students with disabilities and the rights of their parents
No Child left behind act of 2001
Provided stronger accountability For results, more freedom for states in communities, proven Education methods, and more choices for parents
Mckinnney Vento Act
Require districts to provide access to free and appropriate education for homeless children, prohibited the segregation of homeless students and protected other rights of homeless children in their families