Chapter 3- Instructional Delivery Flashcards
Direct instruction
A teacher lead instructional strategy in which the teacher as a subject matter expert provide systematic and explicit instruction, followed by monitored and guided student practice, to ensure that students are making progress toward mastery of specific skills and content.
Constructivist instruction
Collaboration and the teachers guidance and support, often in the form of scaffolding
“Learning is an active process that has social aspects, and that is context specific”
Discovery learning
Designed to encourage students to be active learners bag sporting new concepts, developing new skills, and figuring things out for themselves.
Inquiry-based Learning
A process in which students engage when they have identified a problem to be solved. This requires students to use critical thinking skills.
Project based learning
Students investigate real-world problems and then share their findings.
Thematic Learning
Intradisciplinary (within a discipline) or interdisciplinary (involving two or more disciplines)
Reciprocal teaching
Developed by Palincsar and Brown
Designed to increase students reading comprehension, consisting of interactive dialogue between teacher and students
Summarizing, clarifying, and predicting
Simulations, role-playing, and games
Designed to allow students to learn through their experiences in a learning activity.
Simulation reflects reality
Role-playing is a necessary part of simulations where students act out
Games are learning experiences that have rules and involve students in competitive situations
Differentiate instruction
The practice of matching instruction to student needs (MTSSS)
Individualized instruction
A shift in responsibility for learning from the teacher to the student.
Computer assisted instruction (CAI): Drill and practice, tutorial, simulation, problem-solving, and utility programs.
Independent student centers
Carefully designed, designated places in the classroom where students can go to explore and learn, either individually or with others, using a variety of materials and resources.
Peer tutoring
He train student tutor teaches a seam each classmate or a younger student
Interdisciplinary instruction
The result when teachers combine several disciplines into one or more lessons.
The idea is teacher she designed instruction that reflects the complexity of real world in order to prepare students for life.
Marzano’s high-yield instructional strategies (9)
Identifying similarities and differences
Summarizing and notetaking
Reinforcing effort and providing recognition
Homework and practice
Nonlinguistic representation
Cooperative learning
Setting goals and providing feedback
Generating and testing hypotheses
Cues, questions, advance organizers
The causes students assigned to their successes or failures
Task difficulty