Chapter 5- Continuous improvement Flashcards
School community professional development
Purpose of the professional development system is to increase student achievement, enhance classroom instructional strategies that promote rigor and relevance throughout the curriculum and prepare students for continuing education in the workforce.
Developed by American Federation of teachers (AFT) and the national staff development Council (NSDC)
The national staff development Council standards for staff development
Consist of the individual needs assessment, administrative review, and the IPDP standards
Begins with an individual needs assessment
Disaggregated classroom data
Data from the teachers students that are broken down by sub groups according to student characteristics
May be by racial/ethnic group, ELL or ESE, by gender, etc.
Administrative review
Teacher meets with principal to determine any additional professional learning needs based on school level priorities or identified through the teacher appraisal process
IPDP Standard
Requires a teacher to develop an individual professional development plan
Must show the relationship of the professional learning to performance data of the teachers students, contain clearly define professional learning objectives that delineate measurable student performance improvement expected as a result of the professional learning for those students assigned to the teacher, specify changes in teacher practices resulting from professional learning, and include a plan for evaluating effectiveness of professional learning toward improvement achievement of students assigned to the teachers
Learning communities, content focused, learning strategies, sustained professional learning, use of technology, time resources, and coordinated records standards
Learning communities
A standard that requires the teacher to participate in professional learning communities
Professional learning community (PLC)
A formal, organized group of faculty who share common student achievement goals and meet on a regular basis during the school day to identify practical ways to improve learning and teaching practices.
Lesson study group (LSG)
a PLC that meets regularly to strengthen lesson planning through a highly structured process, the lesson study cycle (scheduling and planning) with the goal of improving instructional effectiveness in maximizing student learning.
Content focused
Standard that requires the professional learning that a teacher receives is research and or evidence-based and directly related to the needs of the teacher in terms of the grade level and subject taught
Analysis of students human data, I’m going formal and informal assessments a student achievement, identification and use of enhance and differentiated instructional strategies that emphasize rigor, relevance, and reading in the content area, etc
Learning strategies
This standard requires facilitators of the professional learning that teachers receive to use and model effective research and or evidence-based instruction.
Sustained professional learning
This standard requires rigor and intensity in the professional learning in which teachers participate.
Use of technology
This down requires that various forms of technology be used to present professional learning activities to teachers, and moreover, that the technology use supports in enhances teachers professional learning.
Time resources
This standard requires that the teachers workday include sufficient time to implement plan professional learning.
At minimum teachers should have 30 hours per year during the school day designated for professional learning Andy required to attend professional learning sessions on those days.
Coordinated records
An important standard of affective professional learning. Teachers need to be able to easily access the information in district maintain records of their professional learning activity, including the in-service point awarded for the successful completion of the professional learning so that they can make informed decisions with regard to their professional learning needs.
1 hour = 1 in service point, 1 college credit= 20 in service points
The implementation of learning, coaching and mentoring, and web-based resources and assistance standards
Implementation of learning
Requires teachers to transfer the knowledge and skills acquired and professional learning to their classroom practices with students.
Coaching and mentoring
This standard requires that professional learning facilitators or other qualified personnel provide follow-up support and assistance to teacher participants through coaching and mentoring.
Web-based Resources and assistance
This standard requires districts to provide teachers with web-based resources and assistance to support implementation of professional learning.
This trend consist of implementing the plan, changes in educator practice, changes in students, evaluation methods, and use of results standards
Implementing the plan
This standard requires the teacher to provide convincing evidence of participation in a meeting with the principal to conduct an evaluation of the degree to which the IPDP was implemented as written.
Changes in educator practice
This standard requires the teacher to provide convincing evidence of reviewing the impact of professional learning on the teachers practice and professional growth
Gathering work samples or videos of lesson presentations
Changes in students
This standard requires teachers to provide convincing evidence that professional learning had a positive impact on student achievement gains as measured by classroom assessment data.
Evaluation methods
This standard requires the teacher to assess the impact of professional learning by using data collected through standardize achievement measures and other valid and reliable measures of student achievement and behavior.
Standardized tests, portfolios of student work, teacher made tests, etc
Use of results
This standard requires the teacher to provide convincing evidence that the results from the IPDP evaluation is consistently used as a part of continuous professional improvement to develop the next years IPDP and to revise professional learning goals.
The Florida educator accomplished practices
Established in 1998, the standards formed the foundation for the states teacher preparation programs, educator certification requirements, and school district instructional personnel appraisal systems.
FEAP foundational principles (6)
Instructional design and lesson planning
The learning environment
Instructional delivery and facilitation
Continuous professional improvement
Professional responsibility and ethical conduct
Teacher appraisal system
Differentiate among four levels of performance:
Highly Effective
Needs improvement or, for instructional personnel in the first three years of employment or in the first year of a new teaching assignment, developing
The performance evaluation criteria for classroom teachers (3)
Teacher appraisal
Student performance
Instructional practice
Professional responsibilities
Student growth in learning
Adopted by the state board of education based on state wide assessment results. Takes into account each students prior academic performance, grade level, and subject.
Family and school partnership for student achievement act
Enhances the involvement of parents in their children’s educational progress
IEP team
The group of individuals who make decisions about the services and accommodations or modifications provided to a student with a disability
Includes parent, one Teacher, at least one special education teacher, a representative of the school, an individual who can interpret evaluation results, the student, etc
Must meet at least once a year and include a discussion of the least restrictive environment appropriate for the student
EP Team
The group of individuals who make decisions about the ESE services provided to students identified as gifted
The EP team must meet at least once every three years for students in kindergarten through eighth grade and at least once every four years for students in grades 9-12
504 plan
Design to ensure that students with physical or mental disabilities that substantially limit a major life activity are provided with the same opportunity as other students without disabilities to learn at school.
This process facilitated the identification of struggling students and the determination of appropriate RyI interventions and or referrals for a valuations.
Inter-disciplinary team
Consist of two or more teachers from different subject areas who collaboratively plan for the students stay commonly instruct. Members provide an expanded pool of ideas and solutions to problems, plan collaboratively and coordinate instructional activities, discuss and decide on your long curriculum objectives, goals, and timelines
School advisory council
A state mandated advisory group composed of the principal, teachers, educational support staff, parents, and business and other community members, who are representative of the ethnic, racial, and economic community served by the school.
Primary duty is to prepare and evaluate the school improvement plan (SIP)
School improvement plan (SIP)
A written plan by SAC their addresses school goals. This helps schools focus on setting measurable and attainable objectives consistent with the states education priorities. Budget
SBM Team
School based management
Principal, teachers, parents, and other community members come together to the centralized authority and give more power to individual schools. Decisions are made regarding school budget, hiring and job responsibilities of the faculty and staff, and curricular programs is placed at the school level rather than district level.