chapter 6 notes Flashcards
the field of mental measurments
which type of scientists develop tests
who developed the g-factor
charles spearman
in the 1920’s found that an individual’s scores on different tests are correlated
charles spearman
what was the common factor in the g-factor
general intelligence
who developed the first aptitude test for french kids
alfred binet and theodore simon
brought the I.Q. test to america and coined the term I.Q.
lewis terman
determined that general intelligence can be broken down into 2 categories
raymond cattell
two categories of general intelligence by raymond cattell
crystalized and fluid
knowledge a person has acquired and ability to access knowledge
crystalized knowledge
ability to see complex relationships and solve problems
fluid knowledge
examples of crystalized knowledge
vocab test
example of fluid knowledge
new tasks, block/ pattern test
crystalized knowledge is ______ knowledge
who made the triarchic theory
robert sternberg
when was the triarchic theory made
around 2000s
three componenets of triarchic theory
ability to cope with environement, street smart, self-awareness
ability to analyze problems and find correct answer, logical reasoning test (IQ test)
helps people see new relationships among concepts
what did picasso create
einsten created
new theories
the triarchic theory is ______ of one another
howard gardiner’s multiple intelligences - 8
linguistic logical mathematical spatial musical bodily kinesthetic naturalistic interpersonal intrapersonal
analogies, math and logic problems
logical-mathematical intelligecne
control, coordination, surgeon, athlete
bodily kinesthetic
ability to classify living things, recognizing subtle changes in one’s environment
naturalistic ability
understand people’s emotions/ intentions motives/ work with people
know one self/ regulate one’s life
components of emotional intelligence
good at reading other people and know yourself
emotional intelligence
the mental capacity to acquire knowledge, reason, and solve problems effectively
mental age/chronological age X 100
what is the usuall intelligence test
stanford- binet
a bell shaped curve describing the spread of a characteristic throughout a population
normal distribution
scores falling near the middle of a normal distribuion
normal range
what test is used today
WAIS stands fo
wechsler adult intelligence scale
lower two percent of the IQ rang
mental retardation
upper two percent of the IQ range
causes of mental retardation
down syndrome
fetal alcohol
brain trauma
found in individuals having a remarkable talent in one area but are slow in other areas
savant syndrome
average iq score
intellectually disabled iq score
70 or below
gifted iq score
130 or above
genetic causes of mental retardation
missing/ extra chromosome
trisome 21
what test is given at the school that is similiar to IQ tests
olsat (otis lennon school ability test_
a standard IQ test takes up to
30-90 minutes
an IQ tests gets longer as a person gets
when was the first Stanford-binet test
the WPPSI stands for ___ and is for the ages up to
Wechsler preschol and primary school intelligence scale
the WISC is for children how old
5- 16 years and 11 months
WAIS- is for people how old
profoundly intellectually disabled have a score of
below 20s
very superior scores are above
the average range is
the ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new experiences is known as
_______ emotions is the ability to recognize them in faces, music, film, and stories
encouraging breeding in people with more desirable traits and discouraging it among undesirables is called
who was a big fan of eugenics
the nazis
the flynn effects causes intelligence tests to be reformed how often
every 10 years
intelligenc is a ______ because the characteristics are not directly observable
hypothetical construct
vocab and reading comprehension tests
linguistic intelligence
form mental images of objects and to think about their relationship in space
spatial intelligecne
classify living things as members of groups. recognize subtle changes in one’s environment