Chapter 6- Magnetic Fields Flashcards
Magnetic field definition
A region in which magnetic materials experience a force
Field can be produced in three dimensions
Magnetic fields lines flow from
North to south
Neutral point is located
Somewhere between the north and south poles
Will show up experimentally as the compass won’t know which way to point
What else produces magnetic fields
Electric currents
If current is coming out of the page then the central point will have a….
Circle with a dot inside it
If current is going into the page then the central point will look like….
A circle with a cross inside it
Like a screw
A spring like coil is called a
What equation let’s you measure the strength of a magnetic field
What is the strength of a magnetic field called
Called the magnetic flux density
(Symbol of B in BIL
For BIL to work the wire…
Carrying the current needs to be perpendicular to the magnetic field
F= BILsin•
Theta(•) is the angle between the wire and the field
Is at its max/ at 1 when perpendicular
Unit of magnetic flux density
Tesla (T)
Or NA^-1 m^-1
Which rule is helpful to get directions of force field and current
Left hand rule
Force= thumb (forceful finger) Field= first finger Current= third finger (curls to make a 'c')
When an electron moves in an electric field we get
Circular motion
BIL used for
Current carrying wires
BeV used for
Single charges
The force that the electron will love when using the LHR must be remembered to take into consideration
The direction of electron is in opposite direction to current flow
There is no work done at 90* so electron…
Never loses energy, so remains in the orbit
For a current in a wire it is
Getting pushed by magnetic field
Getting repelled by other electrons
Will keep getting pushed until forces are equal
Given the charge difference, there is a potential difference (deficit of electrons)
What is the Hall effect
When a potential difference develops in the wire due to a current flowing
Gets pushed by magnetic field
Repelled by other electrons
Will keep getting pushed until forces are equal
There is a deficit in electrons
So there is a charge difference
Creating potential difference around the wire
Voltage eq for electric field
E= Vd
Magnetic flux density symbol
Flux is the idea of
Total field lines captured within an area
To get an increase in flux
Increase area
Increase magnetic flux density
Flux symbol
Flux unit
Measured in Weber Wb Tm^2
Won’t capture anything if not in
Perpendicular circumstances
Faraday’s law
Emf= the rate of change in flux
A change in flux causes
A current to be induced
Lenz’s law
The induced magnetic field will always oppose the change in magnetic flux that is causing it
(Why there is a negative sign in front of eq)
Equation where Lenz’s law is seen
Emf= -N x rate of change of flux
N= number of turns in coil
Electrons flow oppositely to
Conventional current
If there is no change in flux then no
Emf will be created, so no current will be created
What is a solenoid
Lots of coils round an iron core
Two types of transformers
Step up
Step down
Equation for transformers
Vp/Np = Vs/Ns
As there is no energy lost, the rate of change of flux in primary coil is
The rate of change of flux in the secondary coil
Due to conservation of energy, in transformers what is the eq for power
Power before = power after
IpVp = IsVs
(not really the case in reality)
For step up transformers compare velocities
Vout > Vin
I out < I in
For step down transformers compare voltage
Vin > Vout
I in < I out
Eq for sinusoidal alternating voltage
V= V0 sin 2(pie) ft
Eq for sinusoidal alternating current
I= I0 sin 2(pie) ft
Root mean square voltage eq
The peak voltage / the square root of 2
Root mean square current eq
The peak current / square root of 2
Eq for sinusoidal alternating voltage
V= V0 sin 2(pie) ft
Eq for sinusoidal alternating current
I= I0 sin 2(pie) ft
What is magnetic flux density
The strength of a magnetic field at a point in space
Represented by the density of field lines at that point
What is magnetic flux
The amount of field passing through perpendicularly a defined area
Represented in diagrams by the number of lines passing through an area
Flux through coil equation
Flux density x area
Flux linkage equation
Number of coils x flux density x area