Chapter 6 - Learning Flashcards
What is learning?
Any relatively durable change in behaviour or knowledge that is due to experience.
What is conditioning?
Ivan Pavlov
Involves learning connections between events that occur in an organisms environment.
What are phobias?
Irrational fears of specific objects or situations.
What is classic conditioning?
A type of learning in which a stimulus acquires the capacity to evoke a response that was originally evoked by another stimulus.
What is an unconditioned association?
Two stimuli that did not have to be paired through conditioning.
What is an unconditioned stimulus?
A stimulus that evokes an unconditioned response without previous conditioning.
What is an unconditioned response?
An unlearned reaction to an unconditioned stimulus that occurs without previous conditioning.
What is a conditioned association?
Established through conditioning.
What is a conditioned stimulus?
A previously neutral stimulus that has, through conditioning, acquired the capacity to evoke a conditioned response.
What is a conditioned response?
A learned reaction to a conditioned stimulus that occurs because of a previous conditioning.
What is a psychic reflex?
The conditioned reflex. Said to be elicited because they are automatic and involuntary.
What is evaluative conditioning?
Refers to the changes in the liking of a stimulus that result from pairing that stimulus with other positive or negative stimuli.
What is Acquisition?
Refers to the initial stage of learning something.
What is stimulus contiguity?
Stimuli that are contiguous if they occur together in time and space.
What is extinction?
The gradual weakening and disappearance of a conditioned response tendency.
What is spontaneous recovery?
The reappearance of an extinguished response after a period of non-exposure to conditioned stimulus.
What is the renewal effect?
If a response is extinguished in a different environment than it was acquired, the extinguished response will reappear if the animal is returned to the original environment where acquisition took place.
What is stimulus generalization?
Occurs when an organism that has learned a response to a specific stimulus responds in the same way to new stimuli that are similar to the original stimulus.
What is stimulus discrimination?
Occurs when an organism that has learned a response to a specific stimulus does not respond in the same way to new stimuli that are similar to the original stimulus.
What is higher-order conditioning?
A conditioned stimulus functions as if it were an unconditioned stimulus.