Chapter 6 Genetics, Evolution, and Personality Flashcards
Behavioral genetics
- The study of genetic influences on behavioral qualities, including personality
- result was a mix of psychology and genetics
Twin study method
*Study of two types of twins- monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twins
Monozygotic (MZ) twins/identical twins
*One occurs shortly after conception: fertilized egg divides into two cells, grows separately into a person
-Came from what was a single cell, they are 100% alike genetically
Second occurs in conception itself
Dizygotic (DZ) twins/fraternal twins
- Two eggs and both happened to be fertilized and develop simultaneously
- Like any pair of brothers, pair of sisters or brother and sister
- Just happened to be born at the same time, rather than separately
- 50% alike genetically (0-100%)
- Many twins are wrong about which kind they are, and errors are just as common for MZ as DZ twins.
brothers or sisters
the index of genetic influence on a trait
- The index represents the amount of variability in the population that’s accounted for by inheritance in the trait under consideration
- The higher the heritability, the stronger the evidence that genes matter
- It does not represent the amount of a behavioral characteristic that’s inherited by any one person. Nor does it explain why genes matter.
Determining heritability of given trait
- The amount of variability in the population that’s accounted for by inheritance in the trait under consideration
- Calculated by Falconer’s Formula: H= 2(r(MZ)-r(DZ))
Kretschmer (1925)
*classified people as thin, muscular, or obese
Each group was prone to a different set of disorders
W.H. Sheldon (1942)
- categories to dimensions and looked at normal personality
- Each quality relates to one of three layer of the embryo
- Endomorphy, Mesomorphy, Ectomorphy
- Most people have a little of each quality
*Tendency toward plumpness (digestion); soft and round
*Toward muscularity (predominance of bone and muscle); rectangular, hard and strong
tendency toward *thinness (skin and nervous system); delicate and frail, easily overwhelmed by stimulation
Three aspects of temperament
Viscerotonia, Somatotonia, Cerebrotonia
- relaxation, tolerance, sociability, love of comfort, and easygoingness
- Endomorphy to viscerotonia
- boldness, assertiveness and a desire for adventure and activity
- Temperaments and somatotypes go together
- Mesomorphy related to somatotonia
- avoidance of interaction, restraint, pain sensitivity, and a mental intensity approaching apprehensiveness
- Ectomorphy to cerebrotonia
Adoption Study
- looks at how adopted children resemble the biological parents and the adoptive parents
- Resemblance to biological parents is genetically based, whereas resemblance to adoptive parents is environmentally
- MZ twins who were adopted and raised separately
- Similarities compared to MZ twins raised together and DZ twins raised together
- Environmental impacts should make them different, rather than similar
- If heredity is important, then MZ twins- even if they were raised apart- should be more similar than DZ twins.
- If heredity is really important, then MZ twins raised apart should be nearly as similar as MZ twins raised together.
*Arnold Buss and Robert Plomin (1984): an inherited personality trait present in early childhood
Observations of the behaviors of young children
*Activity level, sociability and emotionality
Activity Level
- person’s overall output of energy or behavior
- Vigor: the intensity of behavior
- Tempo: speed
- High in activity level = high-intensity, fast paced activities
- tendency to prefer being with other people, rather than alone
- Desire for sharing activities, along with the responsiveness and stimulation that are part of interaction
- Be sociable= value intrinsically the process of interacting with others
*tendency to become emotionally aroused- easily and intensely- in upsetting situations
Approach and Avoidance temperaments
- Mary Rothbart
- tendencies to approach rewards and avoid threats, respectively
- Avoidance: resembles Buss and Plomin’s (1984) emotionality -> High Emotionality
- Resemble between approach and sociability (less clear/weakly related)
Effortful Control
- Being focused and restrained
- Attentional management
- Ability to suppress approach behavior when approach is situationally inappropriate
- Planfulness vs. impulsiveness
- High early in life relate to fewer problems with antisocial behavior later in life
Marshmallow Study
*Michel, Shoda et al (1989)
-Studied 4 year old children’s ability to delay gratification using a marshmallow test
-Marshmallow paradigm
-Ability to delay at age 4 predicted:
>SAT scores
>Ability to concentration
>Resist temptation
>Self control
>Coping behaviors
>Relationship status (married, divorce, etc.)
Are the Big Five genetically inherited?
- Research suggests that there is invariant genetic influence on the five factors across cultures
- Personality has five basic factors
- Genetically influenced substantially and remarkably consistent across factors
- Yamagata et al. (2006): the five factors may represent a common genetic heritage of the human species
Borkenau, Riemann, Angleitner and Spinath (2001)
- Had raters observe videotapes of people-found genetic influence of Big 5 was still definitely present
- a twin study in which adult participants were videotaped and then rated by people who didn’t know them.
- Evidence of genetic influences on all five traits of the five-factor model
Big 5 & Temperaments
- Neuroticism -> Emotionality (Buss and Plomin, 1984) and Avoidance (Rothbart and Posner, 1985)
- Extroversion -> Approach, Sociability 7 Activity?
- Agreeableness -> Sociability (Not identical)
- Agreeableness: liking to be with people; having connotations of being easy to get along with
- Conscientiousness -> Absence of impulsiveness, high in effortful control
- Planful, persistent, focused orientation toward life’s activities
- Openness to Experience -> intelligence/intellect
- (Buss and Plomin) and genetically influenced
- Effects on behavior are broad, manifest early in life, and continue throughout the lifespan
Genetics -> Personality -> Risk
- Risk of divorce
- Adverse life events
- Social support
- Attitudes on various topics
- Whether this is a separate effect, or whether the effect is there because the behavior relates to a temperament or supertrait.
- Happiness- high heritability, by heritability of neuroticism, extraversion, and conscientiousness
Big 5 & Inheritance
- Five supertraits and most of the facet traits are heritable
- The genetic influences on facets were separate from the genetic influences on the overall traits.
- Many distinct qualities are genetically influenced, not just a few broad ones