Chapter 6 French And Italian Music 14th C Flashcards
What is isorhythm in this era?
(“equal rhythm”) The tenor is laid out in segments of identical rhythm with the soloist and is now seen as a foundation for the entire structure.
Who was the earliest composer in this era to exemplify Ars Nova? And who was the leading composer of this period (came later)?
Philippe de Vitry and Guillaume de Machaut
What are chansons?
Chansons- secular song with French words
Rondeau or ballades- French formes fixe (repetitive patterns creating format to songs).
What was the new French style called Ars Nova?
“New art”- this new musical style included new rhythmic innovations including duple division of notes, along with triple division offering new meters and greater rhythmic flexibility.
What is a Rondeau?
Rondeau- French formes fixe (repetitive patterns creating format to songs) centered on themes of love- polyphonic chansons.
What is a ballade?
Ballade- French formes fixes (repetitive patterns creating format to songs) more serious songs centered around historical or philosophical themes for celebrating an event or person.
What are minims? And who invented them?
An even smaller division of the original smallest possible note value- the semibreve which allowed syncopation! Jehan des Murs!
What are mensuration signs? And who invented them?
The ancestors of modern time signatures Jehan des Murs!
In isorhythm- what the term used when the tenor has a repeating rhythmic unit? And the term used for a recurring segment of the melody?
The talea (rhythm) and color (melody)
What is a hocket?
(“hiccup”) when two voices alternate in rapid succession, each resting while the other sings.
What is a chanson?
A polyphonic French song, the upper voice (called the treble or cantus) carries the text and is supported by a slower-moving tenor without text.
What is a madrigal in this era?
An Italian song written for two or three voices without instrumental accompaniment. This type of song was typical a love poem or pastoral and included a closing pair oflines called a ritornello. Voices are EQUAL in this style!
What three types of secular Italian styles became popular in the 14th Century?
Madrigal, caccia, and ballata
What is a caccia?
(“hunt” referring to one voice chasing after another) a popular-style melody in strict canon to lively, graphically descriptive words.
What is a ballata? And who was the leading composer of this style?
(“to dance”) a piece to accompany dancing for two or three voices. Francesco Landini. One solo voice accompianed by two untexted parts
What is musica ficta?
A style of chromatic alterations where musicians often raised or lowered notes by a semitone to avoid the tritone in a melody
The following treatise contains keyboard versions of ballades by Machaut and ballate and madrigals composed by Landini:
The Robertsbridge Codex
The most abundant source of Italian secular polyphony is the:
Squarcialupi Codex- this book contains 12 composers and 354 pieces