Chapter 6 Flash Cards
individual difference variables
descriptions of how individual consumers differ
totality of thoughts, emotions, intentions, tendencies, and behaviors that a person exhibits consistently as he or she adapts to the environment
aggregation approach
approach to studying personality in which behavior is assessed at a number of points in time
psychoanalytic approach to personality
approach to personality research, advocated by Sigmund Freud, that suggests personality results from a struggle between inner motives and societal pressures to follow rules and expectations
the personality component in psychoanalytic theory that focuses on pleasure-seeking motives and immediate gratification
pleasure principle
principle found in psychoanalytic theory that describes the factor that motivates pleasure-seeking behavior within the id
component in psychoanalytic theory that works against the id by motivating behavior that matches the expectations and norms of society
component in psychoanalytic theory that attempts to balance the struggle between the superego and the id
reality principle
the principle in psychoanalytic theory under which the ego attempts to satisfy the id within societal constraints
motivational research era
era in consumer research that focused heavily on psychoanalytic approaches
trait approach to personality
specific consumer traits as motivators of various consumer behaviors
distinguishable characteristic that describes one’s tendency to act in a relatively consistent manner
nomothetic perspective
particular traits that exist across a number of people
idiographic perspective
focuses on understanding the complexity of each individual consumer
single-trait approach
approach in trait research wherein the focus is on one particular trait
multiple-trait approach
approach in trait research wherein the focus remains on combinations of traits
value consciousness
the extent to which consumers tend to maximize what they receive from a transaction as compared to what they give
value consciousness
the extent to which consumers tend to maximize what they receive from a transaction as compared to what they give
extent to which material goods have importance in a consumer’s life
degree to which an individual is open to new ideas and tends to be relatively early in adopting new products, services, or experiences
need for cognition
refers to the degree to which consumers enjoy engaging in effortful cognitive information processing
enduring tendency to strive to be better than others
productivity orientation
represents the tendency for consumers to focus on being productive, making progress, and accomplishing more in less time
five-factor model
hierarchical approaches to personality
approaches to personality that assume that personality traits exist at varying levels
brand personality
collection of human characteristics that can be associated with a brand
brand personality appeal
a product’s ability to appeal to consumers based on the human characteristics associated with it
distinctive modes of living, including how people spend their time and money
investigation of consumer lifestyles
AIO statements
activity, interest, and opinion statements that are used in lifestyle studies
popular psychographic method in consumer research that divides consumers into groups based on resources and consumer behavior motivations
geodemographic techniques
techniques that combine data on consumer expenditures and socioeconomic variables with geographic information in order to identify commonalities in consumption patterns of households in various regions
popular geodemographic technique that stands for Potential Ratings Index by ZIP Market
observable, statistical aspects of populations such as age, gender, or income
totality of thoughts and feelings that an individual has about himself or herself
symbolic interactionism
approach used to analyze human interactions by focusing on the meanings that individuals assign to things in the world around them, including words and objects.
study of symbols and their meanings
positivity of the self-concept that one holds
body esteem
positivity with which people hold their body image
self-congruency theory
theory that proposes that much of consumer behavior can be explained by the congruence of a consumer’s self-concept with the image of typical users of a focal product