Chapter 3 Flash cards
What is learning?
change in behavior resulting from some interaction between a person and a stimulus
What is perception?
awareness and interpretation of reality.
What is exposure?
bringing stimulus within proximity of a consumer so that the consumer can sense it with one of the five human senses
What is Sensation?
consumer’s immediate response to a stimulus
What is sensory marketing?
actively seeking to engage customers’ senses
What is attention?
allocation of information-processing capacity toward learning some stimulus.
What is Grounded cognition?
theory that suggests that senses influence thoughts and meaning independent of effortful thinking
What is cognitive organization?
how the brain assembles sensory evidence into something recognizable
What is assimilation?
the process of taking in and fully understanding information or ideas.
When does assimilation occur?
Assimilation occurs when a stimulus has characteristics such that individuals readily recognize it as an example of a specific category.
When does accommodation occur?
Accommodation occurs when a stimulus shares some, but not all, of the characteristics that allow it to fit neatly in an existing category.
When does contrast occur?
Contrast occurs when a stimulus does not share enough in common with existing categories to allow categorization.
What is selective exposure?
screening out most stimuli and exposing oneself to only a small portion of stimuli.
What is selective attention?
paying attention to only certain stimuli.
What is selective distortion?
consumers interpret information in ways that are biased by their previously held beliefs.
What is exposure?
stimulus is brought within the proximity of a consumer so that it can be sensed.
What is subliminal processing?
the way in which the human brain senses low-strength stimuli, that is, stimuli that occur below the level of conscious awareness.
What is threshold of perception?
the minimum strength needed for a consumer to perceive a stimulus.
What is subliminal persuasion?
behavior change induced or brought about based on subliminally processing a message.
What is Just Noticeable Difference or JND?
represents how much stronger one stimulus has to be relative to another
What is Weber’s Law?
law that states that the stronger the initial stimuli the harder it is for a customer to tell two stimulus apart.
What is the Just Meaningful Difference or JMD?
The JMD represents the smallest amount of change in a stimulus that would influence consumer consumption and choice.
What do retailers say a product has to be discounted by to be effective?
What is explict memory?
memory that a person tries to remember.
What is Implicit Memory?
memory for things that a person did not try to remember
What is preattentive effects?
learning that occurs without attention
What is the mere exposure effect?
idea that consumers will prefer stimuli they have been previously exposed to over stimuli they have not seen before.
If all things are equal to customers prefer familiar or unfamiliar?
What is a subliminal message?
message is one presented in the subconcious
With the mere exposure effect what has to be true?
The stimulus is evident and people could pay attention to it if they wanted to.
What is the mere association effect?
the transfer of meaning between objects that are similar on accident
What is product placement?
intentional insertions of branded products within media content not otherwise seen as advertising
What is involuntary attention?
subconcious and occurs as the result of exposure to surprising or novel stimuli.
What is an orientation reflex?
a protective naturatl response to a threat from the environment.
What are the factors to help create attention?
- contrast
- movement
- surprising stimuli
- the size of stimuli
- involement
What is unintentional learning?
learning that occurs without any intentonal effort on the part of the person.
What is intentional learning?
process by which consumers set out to specifically learn information devoted to a certain subject
What is the behavorist approach to learning?
learning that focuses on changes in behavior due to association without great concern for the cognitive mechanics of the learning process
What is classical conditioning?
Associate an involuntary response and a stiumulus
What is information (cognitive) perspective?
learning perspective that focuses on the cognitive processes associated with comprehension and how these precipitate behavioral changes
What is unconditioned stimulus?
stimulus that leads to an automatic response. Example food in pavlovs experiment
What is conditioned stimulus?
conditioned stimulus makes an organism react to something because it is associated with something else. For example, Pavlov’s dog learned to salivate at the sound of a bell.
What is conditioned response?
an automatic response established by training
What is instrumental conditioning?
Voluntary action woth punishment or reward right after.
What is positive renofrcers?
reinforcers that take the form of a reward
What is discrminitave stimuli?
stimuli that occur solely in the presence of a reinforcer
What is shaping?
Using reinforcement to make sure good behavior continues.
What is punishers?
stimuli that decrease the likelihood that a behavior will persist
What is extinction?
process through which behaviors cease due to lack of reinforcement