Chapter 6: Exam 2 Flashcards
What is the center of the impact of climate change on human health?
Rising temperatures
More extreme weather
Rising sea levels
Increasing CO2 levels
Asthma, Cardiovascular disease =
air pollution
Malaria, dengue, encephalitis, hantavirus, Rift Valley fever, Lyme disease, chikungunya, West Nile virus =
Changes in vector ecology
respiratory allergies, asthma =
increasing allergens
cholera, cyprtosporidiosis, campylobacter, leptospirosis, harmfully algal blooms =
Water quality impacts
malnutrition, diarrheal disease =
water and food supply impact
forced migration, civil conflict, mental health impacts =
environmental degradation
heat-related illness and death, cardiovascular failure =
extreme heat
injuries, fatalities, mental health impacts =
severe weather
addresses all the physical, chemical, and biological factors external to a person and all the related factors impacting behaviors. It encompasses that assessment and control of those environmental factors that can potentially affect health. It is targeted towards preventing disease and creating health-supportive environments. This definition excludes behavior not related to environment, as well as behavior related to the social and cultural environment and genetics.
environmental health
What are types of environmental exposures?
Toxins: lead, pesticides, mercury, air pollution, solvents, asbestos, radon
Air Pollution: CO2, particulate matter, ozone, lead, aerosols, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, tobacco smoke
Water Pollution: waste, erosion after mining or timbering, run-off from chemical added to the soil
Up Close: Lead, at risk population is children. The source of the contamination can come from paint on walls, soil, household dust, etc. Lead screenings for lead in communities who are exposed or possibly exposed.
How does climate change affect health? Review the slide with infographic on effects of climate change on health
An estimate 24% of global burden of disease and 23% of all deaths can be attributed to environmental factors (WHO).
13 million deaths averted if environment is healthy
94% reduction in diarrheal deaths if all water is safe
Safe buildings
Safe use of toxins at work and home
Increase road safety
Batter water source management
Investigate potential exposures
Present works: exposed to dust, loudness, etc.
Residence: new heating, older home, etc.
Environmental concerns: live near hazard waste site, etc.
Past work
Referrals and resources: places to send people
What is an individual environment exposure assess begins with time and place. The assessment includes:
Environmental health history
- An exposure survey
- A work history
- An environmental history
Community Environmental Health Assessment:
Protocol for assessing community excellence in environmental health (PACE EH)
Collaborative, community-based approach
Expands capacity of health agencies
Engages the community
Generates an action plan based on priorities
Outlines task: identify local environmental health issues, set priorities for action, target populations most at risk, and address identified issues.