Chapter 6: Eschaology Flashcards
What is the paschal candle?
- a large candle that has an important role in a number of church services
What does the paschal candle represent?
- the risen Christ
What is the paschal used to help with?
- to help celebrate and share in Jesus’ resurrection
What is the Easter vigil?
- the service that takes place the night before easter Sunday, during which the resurrection of Jesus is celebrated
What are the features of the paschal Candle?
- alpha and omega
- 5 incense holders
- a cross
What are two other uses of the paschal candle, apart from the Easter vigil?
- baptism
- funerals
What does the alpha and omega represent on the candle?
- they show Christ is eternal
What do the 5 incense holders represent?
- the five wounds that Christ received during his crucifixion
Why is the paschal candle lit at a funeral?
- to show the deceased person has joined Christ in the respected life
Why is a person given a candle lit from the paschal candle when they are baptised?
- to show the person has been filled with the light of Christ
Michelangelos The Last Judgement. What is the significance of Christ being the central figure in this painting?
- empahsises his importance of judge
In The Last Judgement, why are the wound from Jesus’ crucifixion visible?
- to show that Jesus came to glory through obedience and suffering
Why is christs right hand raised in the last judgement?
- to reflect the parable of the sheep and the goats where he promised the good will be on his right and wicked on his left
What is happening on the left hand side of Jesus in the bottom corner?
- people are shown moving towards hell
Why is hell shown as a place of darkness in the last judgement?
- to reflect the idea that the light of Christ can’t reach the people who have rejected Christ
What is happening on the right hand side of Jesus in the corner?
- people are rising from their graves, showing that all people will be raised up for judgement on the last day
What are three memorials for the dead?
- tombstones
- monuments
- rememberance gardens
What is a tombstone?
- a large carved stone that is placed over a person’s grave, it indicates the location of the persons grave so it can be treated with respect
What is a monument?
- a structure that is built to remember an important person or event
What is a remembrance garden?
- an outside area where the ashes of people who have been cremated can be buried
- the chruch insists the ashes are treated with dignity, are not scattered, and a buried in a sacred site
What is eschatology?
- a study of what will happen at the end of time
Why was Jesus’ resurrection important for eschatology?
- since Jesus is the only person who has been able to give some idea of what happens after death
What does the bible suggest the end of time will be signalled by?
- cosmic disasters (frightening large scale events)
What does the bible teach will happen after the cosmic disasters?
- the son of man will come to judge the whole of creation
- the end of the current world order will lead to the creation of a new one
- the reign of god will be established
What did St Paul think about a resurrected body?
- it will live forever
- it will be sinless and perfect
- it will be powerful and strong
How does St Paul compare the relationship between the earthly body and the resurrected body?
- to the relationship between a seed and the plant that grows from it , in some ways they are the same thing, but they are also different from eachother
What is the belief of the four last things?
- the belief that all people will face 4 things at the end of their life
What are the four last things?
- death
- judgement
- heaven
- hell
What is death for Christian’s?
- a transition to a new phase of life
What is judgment?
- the belief that after they die, Christian’s will be judged by god
What is heaven?
- the state of eternal happiness in the presence of god
What is hell?
- the state of eternal separation from god
What is purgatory?
- a process of cleansing which removed the effects of sin
What is purgatory for? Why?
- to help a person to accept the full presence of god
- even though god has forgiven their sins, they still want to make up for the things they have done wrong
After purgatory where do people go?
- to heaven
What are the two types of judgment?
- particular judgement
- final judgment
What is particular judgment?
- when someone is judged immediately after death
- when god judges someone on a personal, individual basis
- results in a person going to heaven, hell or purgatory
What is final judgment?
- judgement that happens at the end of time
- when Christ comes in glory at the end of time and judges the whole of creation
What are some other Christian views about the afterlife?
- many Christian’s do not believe in purgatory — people either totally accept god and go to heaven or totally reject god and go to hell
- some Christian’s belive judgement doesn’t happen straight after death — instead all people wait in their graves for the second coming of Christ, when they will be judged and sent to heaven or hell
What is the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus?
- a story in the bible that tells of what happens to a rich man and a poor man in the afterlife
What does the Rich man do in the parable?
- he never gave any food or help to the poor (Lazarus lay at the gates to his house and received no help)
- he had everything he wanted in life
When both the Rich Man and Lazarus die, what happens?
- the rich man went to hell
- Lazarus went to heaven
What are two key teachings about hell in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus?
- those who are in hell are conscious and aware of those in heaven
- it is not possible to move between heaven and hell
What is cosmic reconciliation?
- the idea that at the end of time the whole of creation will be reconciled with god (brought back together in harmony)
What did Julian of Norwich experience that suggested all of creation will be made perfect at the end of time?
- a vision of Jesus telling her that ‘all shall be well’
What does the catholic chruch teach about heaven and hell?
- no one is predestined to go to heaven or hell, instead the actions a person takes during their lifetime determines what will happen to them after death
what does the chruch teach about the end of time?
- no one knows when it will happen, so catholics must live their lives in the expectation that this could happen at any time by constantly striving to do good deeds and committing themselves to god
What does the Catholic Church teach catholics should obey?
- keep faith in god
- perform good deeds and actions
- do not commit mortal sins
- confess if they sin and be truly sorry
what’s a mortal sin?
- a gravely sinful act which can lead to eternal punishment in hell if a person doesn’t not express great remorse of the sin before death
What are the last rites?
- things that help to give a person who is sick or dying hope, strength, courage and forgiveness
- the anointing of the sick
- commendation of the dying
What is the anointing of the sick?
- a sacrament centred around the action of anointing a sick person with holy oil
What are the events that take place in the anointing of the sick?
- priest sprinkled the room/patient with holy water (reminder of baptism)
- priest lays hands on the persons head, calling down the power and strength of the Holy Spirit
- priest blesses small amount of oil then anoints the forehead and hands of the person with it
- sick person confesses their sins and is forgiven
- holy communion is given to the sick person
What is commendation of the dying?
- a short service centred around the dying person receiving their last Holy Communion
What are the actions in the commendation of the dying?
- dying person may hold a crucifix
- a bible reading/prayers are given
- at the moment of death, a prayer is said
What is a funeral?
- z ceremony to mourn a person who has died
What does catholic funerals reflect?
- the hope that the deceased person has been judged favourably by god and is now experiencing the eternal happiness of heaven
What happens at a funeral?
- reception of the body
- the funeral mass
- the committal and burial or cremation
What happens at the reception of the body?
- the body is taken to chruch in its coffin
- at the church doors, the coffin is sprinkled with holy water
- the coffin is placed beside the lit Paschal candle
What happens at the funeral mass?
- the priest holds a mass
- the readings of the mass focus on the effects of Christ’s resurrection
What happens at the committal and burial or cremation?
- holy water is sprinkled over the coffin
- the priest waves smoke from burning incense over the coffin
- as the coffin is blessed, the congregation says “May the angels lead you to paradise and with poor man Lazarus of old may you enjoy eternal life”
- a prayer is said for the mourners
- at the burial or cremation, the Lord’s Prayer is said and the coffin is sprinkled with holy water
Why does the Catholic Church believe that people have a duty to give the ill and elderly all the care and support they need?
- because all human life is holy and sacred and therefore all life should be respected and valued
What is euthanasia?
- ending someone’s life painlessly and with compassion in order to end their suffering
Why is the catholic chruch against euthanasia?
- its considered to be murder and morally unacceptable
- only god has the right to take away life
- suffering is part of being human, only medication should be used to reduce it
- suffering can be seen as a way to share in the suffering of Jesus on the cross
- it lowers the value and dignity of life
What does the catholic chruch belive about treatment for someone at the end of their life?
- a person who is close to death shouldn’t receive treatment that will only prolong their suffering but has no other real benefits