Chapter 5: Church And The Kingdom Of God Flashcards
What is a pilgrimage?
- a journey that has a spiritual purpose, where the destination may be a sacred religious place
What do catholics belive about life?
- that it is a pilgrimage, a journey to meet god at death
What are the stations of the cross?
- a series of 14 images that remind catholics of the events that happened on Jesus’ journey from Pilate’s house to the hill of Calvary
What is making the stations of the cross?
- it involves walking from station to station (a form of dramatised prayer)
How do catholics connect with Jesus through the stations of the cross?
- a way to accompany Jesus on his last journey
- a way to share in Jesus’ sufferings as a sign of gratitude and thanks
- helps the person to stay focused on their prayers
What are the four important pilgrimage sites and why do people visit them?
- Jerusalem — where Jesus died
- Rome —where the pope lives
- Lourdes —a place with healing waters
- Walsingham —Englands catholic national shrine
Why do people go on pilgrimages?
- to renew their commitment to the church and God
- to meet other catholics
- to heal themselves
- to feel spiritually inspired
What is mission for catholics?
- to show god’s love through doing good actions
How is mission shown in Les Miserables?
- Valjean steals silver from the bishop
- the bishop stops the police from putting him in jail by saying it was a gift
— the bishop’s act of love and forgiveness persuades valjean to become a better person
How can films inspire catholics?
- illustrate the power of how values can change people’s lives
- inspire and encourage Christian’s to show these values in their own lives
- help to inspires Christian’s to preach the gospel message to others
What is the Kingdom of God?
- refers to the idea of God’s authority and rule when all people live how God intends
The creation of the kingdom of god is a gradual process. When did it begin?
- when Jesus was born
- since this is when God’s power came to earth
How was the kingdom of god established?
- through Jesus ’ resurrection and the coming of the Holy Spirit
Who is the Kingdom of god extended by?
- Christian’s, who form and help to spread the kingdom of god on earth
When will the Kingdom of god be completed?
- at the end of time, when all people will enjoy the eternal happiness of heaven
What is the Lord’s Prayer?
- the prayer they Jesus taught to his disciples
How does the Lord’s Prayer go?
Our father who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
Forgive us our trespasses
Deliver us from evil
What are three signs of the kingdom of god?
- justice
- peace
- reconciliation
What does justice look like for catholics?
- treating all people fairly and equally regardless of race, religion and sex etc
- respecting the dignity of every person
- ensuring all people have access to basic human right
- recognising that all people are created and loved equally by god
What is peace?
- a state of total trust and unity between all people
Peace is believed to come from where?
- a persons heart
What does peace require people to accept?
- people to accept the rights of every individual
Where does peace flow from?
- justice
- there can be no peace when there is injustice
Peace is the removal of tensions caused by 3 things, what are they?
- the removal of tensions caused by suspicion, resentment and mistreatment
What does reconciliation rely on?
- acceptance and empathy
What does reconciliation require people to do?
- to learn from the past and work together
Reconciliation brings back…
- together people who have broken apart
What does reconciliation restore?
- damaged relationships between people
What is the hierarchy of the Catholic Church?
- the pope
- the cardinals
- the bishops
- the priests
- the deacons
- the lay people
The main aim of the second Vatican council was to work how how to make the church more what?
- to work out bow to make the church more open and accessible, and relevant to the modern world
What were the four main documents produced by the second Vatican council?
- Dei Verbum
- Lumen Gentium
- Gaudiem et Spes
- Sacrosanctum Concilium
What does Dei Verbum deals with the importance and interpretation of what?
- the importance and the interpretation of the bible
- stresses the bible should be taken seriously as the word of god (but not in a literal way)
Lumen Gentium deals with the nature ans the structure of what? What does it stress about members of the church?
- the nature and structure of the church
- stresses all members of the church have important roles to play in
Gaudiem et spes deals with issues related to modern what? What does is stress about the chruch?
- issues related to modern society
- stresses that the church should not be separate from modern society
What does Sacrosacntum Concilium deal with?
- the liturgy and church services
- emphasises that people should be able to take full part in the worship of god
What is the Magnificat?
- a prayer Mary said after she became pregnant with Jesus
How does the Magnificat shows Mary’s trust in God?
- when she said the prayer, she was a pregnant, unmarried teenager that could have been killed due to adultry
- but she trusted god to protect her
Why is the Magnificat controversial?
- some people think it supports people who are rebelling against their governments, encouraging the weak and the poor to rise up against those in power to spread the kingdom of god on earth
- other people think it shows that god supports the weak and helpless
What are the four characteristics that define the nature of the catholic church?
- one — The chruch is one united body
- Catholics —the beliefs of the church are universal
- apostolic —the church’s teachings are built on the teaching of the apostles
- Holy —the presence of god makes the church holy
What is apostolic succession?
- the idea that the pope and bishops are successors to the twelve apostles
— which give them authority to shape and confirm the church’s teachings (Magisterium)
What does conciliar mean?
- decisions that are made together by a group of leaders rather than a single person
How is the chruch conciliar?
- Councils are often held to make important decisions and update church teachings
- councils express the voice of the whole church
What does pontificial mean?
- something related to a bishop
How is the church pontifical?
- the pope is the leader of the church and has the highest authority
- this authority has been passed down for generations from Peter (leader of the apostles)
- the teachings of the church have no authority until confirmed by the pope
Is the church for or against economic exploitation and a culture of greed? Why?
- against
- it leads to inequality and suffering
What do the church recognise about the weakest and poorest members of society?
- they should be supported so all people can live in an equal way
What’s SVP?
- a catholic charity that works locally
What do SVP members do?
- visit people in need in their homes, hospitals, care homes or prisons
- they offer support, friendship and advice to the vulnerable
Why do catholics rank charity so highly?
- because they are folllowing Jesus’ command to ‘love your neighbour as yourself’
What is CAFOD?
- the official charity for the catholic chruch in England and Wales
Give some examples of what CAFOD does?
- provides legal assistance to people being threatened by national/international companies
- challenges national/international laws that hurt those in poverty
- provides emergency aid in places over seas where natural disasters/wars have ruined lives
What are Kingdome values?
- Values that god wants people to have as members of his Kingdom
What are the Kingodm values?
- gentleness
- mercy
- love
- humility
- obedience to god
- a desire for peace
- a wish to serve god
What is a vocation?
- a call from god to take a certain role in life
What is an important part of any vocation?
- living by kingdom values
Kingdom values in the vocations of priesthood, family life and religious life can be expressed. How are the expressed in Priesthood?
- priests take a promise of celibacy (obedience to God/a ish to serve god)
- priests serve others
- priests take a promise of obedience to their bishop
Kingdom values in the vocations of priesthood, family life and religious life can be expressed. How are the expressed in family life?
- love is an important kingdom value that unites a family
- aim to teach their children kingdom values
-> helping to spread the kingdom of god on earth
Kingdom values in the vocations of priesthood, family life and religious life can be expressed. How are they shown in Religious life (people, not followers)?
- take vows of poverty, chastity and obedience (munk or nun)
- live simple lives, dedicated to prayer and serving others
- monasteries have a sense of peace that others can come and share in
- show love through helping others (teachers, nurses, care workers)
What has Pope Francis done to create justice for the poor by trying to end poverty?
- he increased the number of priests working with the poor
- he aims to inspire others to live more simple to help reduce inequality
- he criticises economic policies that lead to inequality and exploitation
How has pope Francis help create peace? Who does he bring together? What major role did he play in 2014-15 between Cuba and USA?
- in 2014-15 he played a major role in restoring relations between Cuba and USA
- he brings together leaders of countries that have been at war with each other
- he uses his public addresses to pray for peace
How has pope Francis tired to restore relationships between people? (Reconciliation) What does he do every Maundy Thursday? Where does he visit?
- Every Maundy Thursday, he foes to a local prison and washes the feet of 12 prisoners
- he has visited areas of tension in the world
- he has helped to reconcile some of the tensions between Muslims, Jews and Christian’s