Chapter 4: Redemption Flashcards
What are the two main purposes of a church?
- to provide a space where they can meet to worship together
- to provide a space for individual prayer
How do churches help inspire worship?
- they have statues of saints
- they have images like the stations of the cross to inspire people to reflect on jesus’ sufferings
- they have a unique desint
How were churches built before 1965?
- facing east towards jerusalem
- in the shape of a cross
- with the altar against the east wall
How were churches built after 1965?
- altar towards the centre of the church
- built so as many people as possible could see and join in
what are the four main features of a catholic chrich?
- lectern
- altar
- crucifix
- tabernacle
What is the lectern used for?
- the reading stand
what is the altar used for?
- where the bread and wine are offered to god at mass
what is the crucifix?
- a model of a cross with brush crucified in it
what’s the tabernacle used for?
- box where the consecrated bread is kept after the mass
churches might decide to use an altar or a table to emphasise one of these events over the other. What is the altar used for, the last supper or the crucifixion?
- the crucifixion because an altar is a place of sacrifice and thanksgiving
What is the table used to emphasise?
- the last supper
- since it is a place where people eat from
some churches use a crucifix, cross or risen christ. What are they?
- shows christ on the crucified cross
- a cross without the figure of christ
- christ in without the cross
Why are people able to sin?
- because god have them free will
What did sin do to the relationship with god and humanity?
- broke it and destroyed the harmony of gods creation
How did jesus live his life?
- in total obedience to the will of god the father?
What did Jesus do to help restore the relationship between god and humans that had been broken by sin?
- Jesus showed total obedience to god the father, in life and through the sacrifice of his death
What destroyed the ultimate power of sin?
- Jesus’ resurrection
What did jeses’ resurrection alllow for humanity?
- to be able to be with god after they die, sin and death still exist but people are now able to overcome them
What helped restore the harmony of creation?
- Jesus’ ressurection
What was the ascension?
- when Jesus rose up to heaven to take place beside the father as the son of god 40 days after his resurection
What is cosmic order?
- the belief that god created and sustains the universe in a harmonious ordered way
What did Jesus’ resurrection and ascension help restore?
- the cosmic order
How did Jesus show love when he was suffering?
- he forgave his executioners
How did Jesus prove he rose from the dead?
- he appeared to his followers in a locked room
Jesus’ ascension gives believers faith that…
- they will also be raised up to heaven
What did Jesus do before he ascended to heaven?
- promised to send his spirit to all people
- which allows Jesus to continue to work in and through his belivers
What does the ascension show?
- that Jesus is with his father, sharing his glory for all eternity
What is salvation?
- the saving of human being from sin and its consequences
What is redemption for catholics?
- being saved from sin and evil by Christ
What to many Christian’s believe about salvation?
- it is an ongoing process
Give an example of salvation in the past.
- Jesus’ death and resurrection were essential to humanity’s salvation
- they defeated the ultimate power of sin and death
Expand on: Salvation in the present
- salvation is an ongoing process
- while Jesus defeated the ultimate power of sin, this does not mean sin does not exist
- people have to accept the salvation from Jesus’ death by resisting the temptation to sin
- the Holy Spirit guides people to work towards salvation
Expand on: Salvation in the future
- salvation will be completed at the end of time
- when the kingdom of god is fully established, the power of sin and death will be completely destroyed
Why do catholics belive redemption is ongoing?
- because Christ is offered again to the Father during every mass
Why is Jesus sometimes described as the example, the restorer and the victor?
- because he set a good example for others to follow
How does Mark show Jesus as the example?
- it tells us how Jesus knew how much suffering his crucifixion would cause him, but he still went through with it
- through showing total obedience to god, Jesus set an example for all people to follow
How does Mark show Jesus as the restorer?
- Jesus’ death restored the relationship between god and humanity
- Mark tells how, after Jesus died, in the holy temple in Jerusalem, the veil that separated the holiest part of the Temple from the rest tore in two
-> this shows Jesus’ death broke down the barrier between god an humanity
How does mark show Jesus as victorious over sin?
- it shows how Jesus experienced pain, suffering and death as a human
- by bringing the presence of god into these expierences, Jesus was victorious over them
When Jesus first appeared to Mary after his resurrection, she didn’t recognise him immediately. (John) Explain why
- Jesus had entered a new creation, he was still physically present, but looked different
- this reflects the idea that redemption changed creation making it more perfect
When were the apostles filled with the power of the Holy Spirit?
- 50 days after the resurrection (pentecost)
- Acts 2
What is St irenaeus’ salvation metaphor?
- the tree of the knowledge of good and evil being the tree of the cross
(St Irenaeus)
What is the parallel of Adam and Eve disobeying god by eating from the tree?
- Jesus obeyed god by dying on the tree
(St Irenaeus)
What’s the parallel of Adam and Eve’s rejection breaking humanity’s relationship with God?
- Jesus’ acceptance of God restored humanity’s relationship with god
(St Irenaeus)
What’s the parallel of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil brought death, by separating humans from god?
- The tree of the cross brought life, by offering the possibility of eternal life in heaven to all people
What did St Anselm compare Jesus’ death with?
- the idea of paying a ransom in the slave trade
In the slave trade, a slave can be freed if someone paid a ransom to their owner. How does this reflect Jesus’ death?
- humanity are the slaves (because of Adam and Eve)
- Jesus was the price, the sacrifice
- after Jesus’ death, humanity were no longer slaves to sin
What is conscience for Christians?
- their conscience is the voice of god in their heart and soul, guiding them to do what is right
What are the two different sides of conscience?
- Conscience is made up of natural instincts (natural law)
- conscience has to be educated
What is the mass?
- a re-enactment and celebration of Jesus’ death, through which humans are redeemed
What are the most central points of the mass?
- the Gospel reading
- the Eucharistic prayer
What’s the significance of the eucharistic prayer? (remember, express, unite)
- to remember and proclaim the saving work of Christ, express gratitude for god’s gifts and unite the faithful in communion with Christ and one another
What do the gospel readings remind chatholics?
- remind catholics that god has guided his people
Why do catholics belive the mass is the summit of Christian life?
- it celebrates/re-enacts the most important event in Christianity
- the offering of Christ on the cross is the highest form of prayer to god
-> since the mass re-enacts Christ’s sacrifice, it is the highest form of prayer for a Christian
Why do catholics belive the mass is the source of Christian life? food
- Christ’s body and blood give life to the soul, just as normal food gives life to the human body
Give the quote from Agnus Dei. Lamb
- ‘lamb of god, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us…lamb of god, you take away the sins of the world, grant us peace’
What are the words of the Eucharistic prayer ll? (take this)
‘Take this, all of you, and eat of it, for this is my body, which will be given up for you’
What is Eucharistic adoration?
- Eucharistic adoration refers to adoring or honouring the real presence of Christ in the consecrated Bread and Wine