Chapter 6: Data Security Flashcards
Digital Rights Management
Data loss/leak prevention
cloud access security brokers
Data at rest
resides in external or auxiliary storage devices; hard drives or optical discs
Data in motion
moving between nodes over a data network like the Internet
Cryptography for data in motion
TLS, IPSec, and VPNs
Data in use
data residing in primary storage devices; volatile memory (RAM), memory caches, or CPU registers
trimming out the irrelevant or unwanted parts
changes to specific provisions in a standard to better address requirements
Digital Rights Management
technologies applied to controlling access to copyrighted data
Data leakage
flow of sensitive information to unauthorized external parties
Data loss prevention
actions to prevent unauthorized external parties from gaining access to sensitive data
Network DLP
NDLP; applies data protection policies to data in motion
Endpoint DLP
EDLP; applies data protection policies to data at rest and data in use
Cloud access security brokers
CASBs; provide visibility and control over user activities on cloud services
Digital asset management task
Tracking the number and location of backup versions, documenting the history of changes, carrying out secure disposal activities