Chapter 6 - Civil war Flashcards
When did the Civil War start?
Summer 1918
What were the 2 sides fighting in the war?
Reds V Whites
Which Russians joined the Whites?
. Bourgeoisie
. Old Tsarists
. Russians that hated the treaty of Brest-Litovsk
. Nation minorities - Georgians
When was the first stage of the civil war and what happened in it?
. 1918 - 20
. Bolsheviks mainly had control in urban areas such as Petrograd and Moscow
. They were attacked from many areas by the Whites
Where was the fighting mainly seen?
East + south of Russia
What happened in the Don Region?
Denikin attacked the Don region, however he was quickly defeated by the Bolsheviks - summer 1918
What did Denikin do in the summer of 1919?
Began another offensive which was close to Moscow, however Trotsky forced him towards Crimea
What happened to Yudenich’s army?
Yudenich’s army in the north was small, and was stopped by the Reds before reaching Petrograd
What happened to Kolchak?
He was in retreat and was captured and shot in 1920
Who replaced Denikin in Crimea?
How many people died in the first stage of the civil war?
10 million
When was the second stage of the civil war and what happened?
The Poles invaded in 1921 in Eastern Ukraine but were driven back by General Tukachevsky
What did the treat of Riga mean?
Gave independence to Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia
What position did Trotsky hold in the civil war?
. Leader of the Red Army
. He was a skilful organiser
Why was Trotsky significant for the Red Army?
. He ensured they were well fed and armed
. Trotsky boosted the morale of the troops and other Bolsheviks
Who did Trotsky add to the Red Army?
50,000 former Tsarist officers
What was Trotsky’s policies with deserters?
The Cheka killed them
What are the Reasons for the victory of the Reds?
Geography, Unity and Organisation, Leadership, Support
Why was geography important for the Reds victory?
The Bolsheviks were in urban areas such as Petrograd and Moscow, and controlled most of the population
Why were unity and organisation important for the Reds victory?
. The Reds all had the same objective, which was to solidify a one-party state and were all led by Trotsky
. The White Army had several generals and fought for different reasons and aims
Why was leadership important for the Reds victory?
. The Red Army was well disciplined by Trotsky
. The Whites had few competent commanders and different views
Why was support important for the Reds victory?
Red land policies were more popular than the Whites’ association with traditional tsarist policies
How may Bolsheviks party members fought in the civil war?
. Over 1/2 million