Chapter 6 (C) - Tactical Formation Flashcards
Primary responsibility for lead in tactical formation
Maneuver the formation
Primary responsibility for wingman in tactical formation
Maintaining formation position and deconfliction
Unless otherwise briefed, what are the standard airspeeds for tactical formation
350 at or above 10,000’
300 below 10,000’
Stack, line, and spacing definitions of tactical formation
Stack: +- 2000’
Line: LAB to 10 degrees AFT
Spacing: 4000’ to 6000’
Priorities for correcting position in tactical
Line, Spacing, Stack
References for 4000’ spacing
The VHF antenna (shark fin) disappears, the underside rotating beacon disappears, and (or) the canopy bow disappears, and both canopies blend into one
References for 6000’ spacing
The “L” formed by the aft edge of the vertical stabilizer and the burner cans start to disappear (depending on environmental visibility). Also, depending on the environmentals, the canopy disappears or blends into the aircraft.
Reference for outside of 6000’ spacing
Aircraft loses most of its definition
In tactical, strive for a vertical stack of ____ feet, but remember that stack is a tertiary priority and should only be increased as proficiency allows
If you are striving for level stack and are at high altitude and wider range, how will level stack picture be affected?
Wider spacing (6,000 feet vs 4,000 ft) and higher altitude result in lead aircraft being higher above the horizon than closer spacing and lower altitude
When given the signal to go tactical LAB, what 4 things should wingman do?
- Clear in direction of turn away from lead
- Turn away from lead to achieve 4000-6000 ft spacing
- Roll back to lead’s approx heading and set airspeed and power to match lead
- Assess LOS and adjust
Generally, for tactical delayed turns, when wing is inside of 6,000’ or aft of LAB, when should they begin their turn?
Begin the turn earlier than looking down lead’s intakes
Generally, for tactical delayed turns, when wing is outside of 6,000’ of fore of LAB, when should they bgein their turn?
Begin the turn after looking fown the intakes
If you are at lower altitude, should wing begin their portion of delayed tactical turns with early or late timing? Does it matter?
Begin the turn later at lower altitude
Opposite applies for high altitude
On a delayed 45 degree turn, the aircraft being turned into should pass in front of or behind the other aircraft?
The aircraft being turned into should pass in front of the other aircraft for the geometry to work out
Who is responsible for clearing during the first half of a hook turn?
The aircraft that is visual
On a cross turn, aircraft should cross each other after ____ degrees of turn
60 to 90
Due to T38 turn performance what will lateral spacing be after 180 degrees of turn on a cross turn?
2-3 miles if the lateral spacing was correct to begin with
T or F. An acknowledgement is required for a fluid turn (i.e. Snake 21, fluid left/right)
For a fluid turn, lead wil normally make heading changes in approximatey ___ degree increments, and use approximately __ degrees of bank and maintaining altitude and airspeed
90 degree increments
45 degrees of bank
For an easy turn, lead will use approximately ___ degrees of bank and pitch to hold airspeed. What is the normal power setting for easy turns?
60 degrees of bank
MIL power
What is a belly check?
A belly check is a momentary reduction in bank performed by a turning fighter to clear the are hidden by the fuselage of the aircraft. This is typically a maneuver performed in formation, often by the fighter of a formation executing a tactical hook turn.
High altitude tactical: recommended airspeed range when flying above FL250
0.85 to .90 IMN (provides good maneuverability and good fuel flow). This speed range also provides excess power and, except with extremely cold outside air temperatures, will maintain operations within the engine envelope
Do not plan to fly formation above ____. However, if you must operate above this altitude, use ___ IMN or slightly higher as the base airspeed
IMN 0.90
Definition of wedge position
4000 to 6000
30 to 45 degrees off of lead’s tail
Stack requirements for wingman in low altitude environment
Stack no lower than lead
Fly no higher than approximately 500 ft above lead unless required to fly higher due to obstacle clearance during turns