Chapter 4: Traffic Patterns and Landings Flashcards
What is the primary point of reference for all patterns?
The runway
When you have a strong headwind on initial, what should you do in regards to your break point and perch point?
Delay your break turn and initiate your perch earlier than normal
When performing a straight in, when do airspeed do you normally slow down to on base?
240 kts
During a normal straight in, prior to being established on final, what airspeed should you not slow down to?
Prior to being established on final, avoid slowing down to less than the final approach airspeed
What is the break zone?
Approach end to 3,000 ft down the runway
What are the spacing limits for initiating the break with another aircraft in the pattern?
Do not break until 45 degrees off from the preceding aircraft to ensure 3,000 ft spacing
Do not break until abeam the preceding aircraft to ensure 6,000 ft spacing
If you need a tight displacement on closed downwind after the break, what can you do?
Put your throttles in MIL power and use AOA and G to reduce airspeed
When initiating your break turn, what airspeed should you attain by roll-out?
Slow to or below 240 kts but no slower than final turn airspeed
What is the minimum airspeed to pull closed?
240 kts
What is the minimum airspeed during a closed pull up?
Maintain a minimum of 200 KCAS until wings-level on downwind
What is the no-wind spacing for closed downwind?
1 to 1.3 miles for a 1,500’ AGL traffic pattern
How much crab should you use on closed downwind vs initial?
Generally, use twice as much crab on closed downwind as you used on initial
What is one way to check your displacement to the runway?
Set the EOR as the EGI steer point, and when abeam the EOR, the EGI will tell you your displacement
When should you be configured on closed downwind?
Configure no later than abeam the touchdown point
What is the desired rollout point after the final turn?
300 to 390’ AGL and 1 to 1.3 NM from the threshold
When should you begin your final turn?
When abeam the no-wind rollout point
During the final turn, what should your AOA be and when are you allowed to slow down to final approach airspeed?
AOA should be approx 0.6
Do not slow down to final approach airspeed until initiating the rollout onto final
What is the visual reference for the final turn (Flaps 60-100)?
2/3 Ground, 1/3 Sky
The top corner of the HUD should approximate be on the horizon
During the final tun, what should the vertical velocity approximately be?
Double the pattern altitude… so for 1,800’ AGL pattern altitude, the IVV should approximately be 3,600
As a technique, when should you consider the final turn made?
When <30 degrees of stabilized bank is required
<0.6 AOA is required
Within 30 degrees of alignment to the runway
What should your IVV be when established on final after the final turn?
Approx 700 to 900 fpm
AOB used in the final turn?
45 degrees
When you set the aimpoint, what should it look like on the HUD?
The FPM should be on the aimpoint with the pitch scale indicating 2.5 to 3 degrees nose-low
With the HUD off, where should the aimpoint be approximately?
On the top of the HUD combining glass
As a technique, if you flew a HUD on landing prior, visualize where the FPM was previously and set the aimpoint there
With gust winds, what airspeeds do you increase?
Increase the final approach and landing speed by one-half of the gust factor.