Chapter 6- Byzantine And Islam Flashcards
Rome’s trade imbalance led to —————.
After the Pax Romana the Roman Empire entered a period of —————–.
Rome’s military became weak as soldiers could not be paid so Rome began —————–.
Using foreign mercenary soldiers
While the Western Roman Empire ————–, the Eastern Empire ————-.
Became weak
Began to grow
The Byzantine Empire was originally —————.
Eastern Roman Empire
Constantinople’s geography was important because —————-.
Located between the Mediterranean and black seas
Because Constantinople was close to Judea, many Byzantines —————–.
Had convert to Christianity before those in the western Roman empire
——————- was the most famous Byzantine Emperor.
Government in the Roman and Byzantine Empires was similar because ————.
Had absolute rulers called emperors
————— began conquering Roman territories, adding to the land size of the Byzantine Empire.
The ————— code was a set of laws that consolidated the Roman laws into one code.
JustiniAn code
Some of the things the ———– code addressed were ————, —————, and ————–.
justinian Criminal justice Marriage Property Slavery Women's rights
The Byzantine legal code was the standard for laws over the next ———– years.
The Hagia Sophia is ——————————.
Church built by Justinian
Hagia Sophia means —————-.
Holy wisdom
Justinian’s wife Theodora exercised power in the empire by —————.
All of the above
Christians in the East and West disagreed over —————–.
Christians in the Western church accepted ——————–.
Pope is authority
Christians in the Eastern church —————-.
Byzantine emperor was head of the church
Emperor Leo II ordered the destruction of icons in the Byzantine Empire because —————–.
Considered them to be idols
————– are religious images that help some Christians with their prayers and worship.
Because of Emperor Leo’s actions the —————— excommunicated him.
The Great Schism was —————–.
Separation of church in Rome from the church in Constantinople
Christians in the West became the ———– church; Christians in the East became the ————–.
In the 7th century, Seljuk ————— invaded the Byzantine Empire.
The Byzantine Emperor appealed to the ————– to help them repeal the Muslim invaders.
Christians in the west
Pope Urban II of Rome called on Christians to help the Eastern church which resulted in —————.
The crusades
The Crusades were not really a war but rather a —————–.
Rescue operation for the pope
Most of those who took part in the Crusades —————-.
For over 200 years, the Byzantine Empire slid into decline because ————-.
It was difficult for them to recover from the battles with the Muslims
In 1453 the ——— ———– ransacked Constantinople and killed the last Byzantine king, signaling the end of the Byzantine Empire.
Ottoman Turks
Russia covers ———— of the globe.
The ————- ancestors played a major role in early Russia.
Because it was located on a river and was on the trade route with the Byzantine Empire, ———— became the center of early Russia.
As a ruler in early Russia, Yaroslav —————-.
All of the above
————— is considered the ancestor of several Arab tribes and the forefather of Muhammad.
—————– is the Arabic name for God.
————- is the city where Islam began and is the holiest city in the Islam religion.
The Koran is the holy book of the Islamic faith and means ———-.
The Five Pillars are ———–.
Shahadah Salat Zakat Sawm Hajj
The Kabba is —————.
A sacred shrine that housed hundreds of pagan idols
The Koran was written by ———–.
The two main branches of the Islamic faith —————- and —————–.
The ————- is a part of the ———– where the ————– calls the faithful to prayer.
The Muslim faith was originally spread by ————.
Muslims believe Jesus ————.
Was a prophet
Muslims do not believe —————-.
All of the above
In the Koran, those who do not follow Muhammad are called ————.
The Koran exhorts Muslims to —————-.
All of the above
The word righteous means ————.
To be in a right relationship with God