Chapter 6 Flashcards
the recall of information after learning has taken place
information perceived through the senses and stored as memory
sensory memory
where information is stored temporarily while it is being processed or for a short time afterward
short term memory
the storehouse of knowledge that also includes the rules for applying knowledge
long term memory
the length of time it takes for a person to process information or respond to a question
memory oriented toward the present or the future with no reference to the time at which the person stored the memory; includes learned skills through practice or a person’s general knowledge of the world
Non-episodic memory
memory oriented toward the past, or acquired at specific time and place, as in learning in an experimental setting
episodic memory
the process whereby a person puts new bits of information together with already stored information
where recent acquired information is manipulated and processed at the same time as it is being stored temporarily
working memory
refers to an exceptional mental performance, particularly when a person has to work at maximum mental capacity; first observed in cognitively impaired people who performed better than expected in everyday life
Cognitive reserve
the brain’s ability to change and adapt over time
refers to an older person’s fear of failure on memory tests leads, this leads to poor performance
Stereotype threat
the idea that many conditions influence memory, including physical, psychological, and social contexts, and the knowledge, abilities, and characteristics of the individual, as well as the situation in which the individual is asked to remember
Contextual view of memory
the store of factual information
semantic memory
the ability to negotiate environmental demands successfully; that which intelligence tests measure; or what a person taking the test can do now
reasoning, abstracting, concept formation, and problem solving, with little use of knowledge gained through reading, schooling, or work
fluid intelligence
intelligence that depends on stored information, acculturation, and learning
Crystallized intelligence
highly valued and outstanding expert knowledge related to the meaning and conduct of life
the growth of wisdom in later life- an advanced style of cognition
Developmental intelligence
a model that states that the greater the number of creative works a person produces in a given period within a career, the more great works are produced
Constant-probability-of-success model
a sense of fulfillment at the end of a life well-lived
in later life, the self begins to expand its boundaries and reflect on the meaning of human life
unexpected events such as illnesses, layoffs, and accidents
Non-normative events
historical events that shape a person’s life, such as the Great Depression of the 1930s or World War II
Normative history-graded events
socially sanctioned events that occur most often at a certain age, like marriage or retirement
Normative age-graded events
this theory holds that attitudes form for a generation in their teens. Those attitudes stay fairly stable throughout life
Generational event theory
someone for whom major life events come early or late- a teenaged mother or a newlywed octogenarian- may feel out of sync with the age-status system
Age-status asynchronization
a significant impairment in mental ability present at birth or acquired in childhood or adolescence
developmental disability
the emotional state of feeling sad, helpless, irritable, and hopeless
the ability to understand information that applies to a decision, the ability to think about the consequences of the decision, and the ability to communicate a decision
process in which the court appoints someone to make decisions on another person’s behalf
Legal guardianship