chapter 14- death, dying and bereavment Flashcards
refers to the perception or behaviour of others that indicates that they perceive or treat a person as if physically dead when in fact the physical body has not yet died.
social death
the pattern or course of dying over time, for example, sudden death or slow decline.
Trajectory of dying
a dying person looks over his or her life, seeks a conviction that one’s life has had meaning and purpose, ties up loose ends, achieves acceptance of the life lived, and prepares for death
life review
the acceptance of the notion that one’s life cycle is something complete and unique.
Ego integrity
the state of having recently experienced the death of a loved one.
a sense of profound loss and the experience of deep sorrow.
the public expression of grief typically following social and cultural values.
grief experienced prior to and in anticipation of the death of a loved one.
Anticipatory grief
grief defined by society as illegitimate and therefore unacknowledged because society defines the relationship between the grieving person and the deceased as insignificant.
Disenfranchised grief
a precise statement of the desired treatment and care, including what medical actions are to be taken under what conditions, and a declaration of who has the right to decide in a situation where the writer of the ___ is no longer able to express his or her wishes.
Advance directive (including personal directive, healthcare directive, living will, and continuing power of attorney):
a legal document that specifies the limits of healthcare treatment desired in a case of terminal illness
living will
a person may request that, if in a coma and dying from a terminal disease, resuscitation may not be attempted if the dying person’s heart stops
DNR order
a legal document that gives someone, usually a lawyer, child, or other family member, or friend, the right to make decisions on behalf of the ill person
power of attorney
a place or program of care designed to meet the special needs of dying patients
care directed toward improving the quality of life for the dying, including symptom control and spiritual support as well as bereavement support and education
palliative care
suicide made possible with the help of someone; a doctor provides a patient with advice about how to commit suicide or with the technical means (e.g. lethal medications) to commit suicide.
assisted suicide
intervening actively to end a person’s life
Active euthanasia
withholding or ceasing treatment of someone who is ill or injured and not expected to recover.
passive euthanasia