Chapter 6 Flashcards
Someone who moves to a different country to start a new life
The ________ towns that existed in 1630 increased to ______-______ by 1647
2- thirty-three
Puritan settlements what
Spread settlements all along the coast from Maine to Rhode Island
Most New England colonists settled in _______ ___________
Farm villages
The houses were clustered around the _________________
The Central location in New England Colonies
Settlers along the coast lived in___________ ___________
Fishing Villages
_______ was New England’s most valued export
The settlers ____ dug up the native Americans corn
The __________ tribe attacked a Connecticut village in 1637
What did the colonists do to most of the Pequot
They slaughtered them
In ______ the Wampanoag attacked the puritans in Massachusetts
The Leader of The Wampanoag was named ___________
Chief Metacomet
The Puritans Called Metacomet what
King Philip
What was the name of the war that King Philip was involved in
King Philip’s War
King Philips War wiped out the natives of what state
What started in Salem in 1692
The Salem Witch Trials
What was the Salem Witch Trials
When women acted strangely and they thought it was the work of the devil
In the 1740’s ________________ and _________________ helped bring revival of religious enthusiasm
Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield
What was the Great Awakening
The revival of religious enthusiasm
Everyone believed that everyone should be able to do what
Read the bible
In ____ Nassachusetts bay colony required that every colony has to have a Latin School and Grammar School
Latin School
A school that prepared men for college
Grammar School
A school that taught people to read and write
What led people to live in New York New Jersey and Pennsylvania
The fertile soil
Being able to handle
William found Pennsylvania in what year
The Middle Colonies were England’s ___________
Bread baskets
Bread Basket
Towns that grow grains that make wheat that make bread that they export to England
The Middle Colonies grew wheat, corn, vegetables, and ________
Middle Colony farmers rarely used slaves they often used ______
Their families
Besides the middle colony families working they also used_______
Indentured Servants
Almost half of Americas indentured servants lived in what state
A place with a lot of one specific thing
What were the Pennsylvania Dutch was
German Lutherans
The word Dutch comes from the word ________
Cheap land on the frontier attracted a lot of ___________
Immigrants from North Ireland
English Officials made peace with the what
Iroquois Confederation
Thomas and John Penn made an agreement that did what
Cheated the Delaware out of much of the land that remained
The Penn Brothers Agreement made the Delaware do what
Leave Pennsylvania
During the 1600’s the New England colonies attracted thousands of ____________________
Puritan immigrants