Chapter 3 European Colonization Flashcards
The Spaniards founded what cities on the island of Hispaniola?
Isabela and Santo Domingo
What is Smallpox?
A European disease that killed many Native American
What did Columbus’ discovery give Spain
A 100 year head start
What year did Columbus arrive in Hispaniola
Originally on Hispaniola had 250,000 native people. How many years later did they all die off
Where did Montezuma rule
In Mexico. He ruled the Aztecs
In the year 1519, Hernando Cortés captured what city
What did Cortés send back to Spain after he captured Tenochtitlan.
All the gold and silver
What did they do in Mexico
They made the natives raise cattle and mine for silver
In 1531 __________ _____________ lead his army against the Incas
Who did this
Francisco Pizarro
The Incas ruled a large empire in _______
Pizarro murdered ___________, the head of the incas
The silver and gold from Mexico and Peru made Spain what
The richest nation in Europe
North of Mexico were the _________ _______________ that went from Florida to California
Spanish Borderlands
In 1565 the Spanish built a fort and a town named ___________ on the Atlantic coast of Florida
In 1598, Juan de Oñate led 400 settlers to what state
New Mexico
In 1609 the Spanish built what town in New Mexico
Santa Fe
In 1680 the pueblo people rebelled against the governors that took away there corn and forced them to weave cloth sold the cloth and kept the money. What did the pueblo do
Killed hundreds of Spanish colonists and drove the rest out of their land
In 1687 father Eusiebo Kino founded how many missions in Arizona
A hundred years after kino, Father Junipero Serra set up how many missions in California
At missions there were living quarters for soldiers and priest and who else
Native Americans
By 1600 the Spanish empire extended from California to south Americas tip. About how many miles was it.
8,000 miles
The first French settlements in France were __________ and ___________
Quebec and Montreal.
New France was Quebec and Montreal in what country
The French were fur traders and they traded with who every year
The Algonquin and the Huron
In 1682 Sieur de la Salle claimed what for France
The Mississippi River Valley
The largest settlement on the Mississippi River valley was named what
New Orleans
New Orleans was founded in what year
The Manhattan Island was bought for $24 by who
Peter Minuit
A landowner who brought more that 50 families to colonize
Peter Minuit named his settlement on Manhattan what
New Amsterdam
Albany New York was originally named
New Netherlands
Fort Nassau was established by what
The Hudson River
What was the name of the Aztec Emperor