Chapter 6 Flashcards
Piece pay, wage incentive plan
Piece pay: pay ststem where you are paid per unit you complete
wage incentive: variouss ystemshtat link pay to perfomrns e on productions/ leads to icnrease producvitiy
Merit pay jobs, using pay to motivate teamwork
merit pay jobs: ssytems that attempt to link pay to perorfmance on white collar jobs
Merit pay is the type of compensation a company uses to reward higher-performing employees with ongoing additional pay
using pay to mtoivate teamwork:
profit sharing
employee sotck ownership paln
gainsharing (group pay incentive)
skill based pay
Job design as a motivator what is job design and motivation
Job design: the strucutre, content and configureation of a persons work taks and role
Job characterieis model:
Skill variety: opporuntiy to do a. variety of job activities using various skills and talents
Autonomy: freedom to scheudle one’s own work
Task signficinace: imapct tthat a job has on other people
Task identity: extent to which a job invivles a compelte piece of work
Feedback: ifnormation about the effectviness of one’s work perfromance
Task identity refers to the extent to which a job requires an employee to complete an entire piece of work with a visible outcome. High task identity means that a job involves a complete, identifiable piece of work, rather than just a part of it.
Job enrichment:
Job enrichment: the design of jobs to enahcne inctriisc motivation, qualtiy of working life and job invivpoment