Chapter 5.5 - Exam Review Flashcards
What is the normal power source for the Aircraft’s electrical system?
What is the emergency power source for the Aircraft’s electrical system?
What component of the Aircraft’s electrical system distributes electrical power from the Alternator to the circuits?
A Bus Bar.
By what means is the Aircraft’s Battery re-charged?
By the Alternator.
An internal fault in the Battery can be indicated by a prolonged higher than normal charge rate on a (Centre Zero Ammeter/Voltage Regulator)?
Centre Zero Ammeter.
What is the likely consequence of a prolonged high charge rate on a Battery?
Overheat in the Battery.
Current flow into and out of a Battery is measured by a (Left Zero/Centre Zero) Ammeter?
Centre Zero Ammeter.
The electrical load on an Alternator is measured by a (Left Zero/Centre Zero) Ammeter?
Left Zero Ammeter.
What is another name for a Left Zero Ammeter?
An under-voltage situation indicated on a Voltmeter means the battery will (Over-Heat/Becomes ‘flat’)?
Become Flat.
An over-voltage situation indicated on a Voltmeter means the battery will (Over-Heat/Becomes ‘flat’)?
A Centre-Zero Ammeter indicates (Battery Current Flow/Alternator Load)?
Battery Current Flow.
A Centre-Zero Ammeter will show a (negative/positive) charge after starting to confirm that the Alternator is on line and charging the Battery?
Alternator Failure in flight is indicated by a (Continuous Battery Discharge/Zero Reading) on a Left Zero Ammeter?
Zero Reading.
Alternator Failure in flight is indicated by a (Continuous Battery Discharge/Zero Reading) on a Centre Zero Ammeter?
Continuous Battery Discharge.
What two components protect electrical circuits from current overload?
- Fuses.
- Circuit Breakers.
How can a Pilot normally build up braking pressure if the brakes feel spongy during the landing run?
By pumping the pedals.
Vacuum Pump Failure can be indicated by a (high/zero) reading on the suction gauge?
If a zero reading shows on the suction gauge, how can you tell if it indicates a faulty gauge rather than Vacuum Pump Failure?
By checking the air-driven instruments.
Will the air-driven flight instruments give reliable readings when a constant low pressure is indicated on the suction gauge?
Even though suction pressure is set correctly, it can read lower at low Engine RPM (such as on approach). Why is this so?
Because the Engine-driven pump will be turning slower at this speed than normal pressure/operations.
In the Pitot-static system, total pressure is sensed by the (Static Vent/Pitot Tube)?
Pitot Tube.
In the Pitot-static system, static pressure is sensed by the (Static Vent/Pitot Tube)?
Static Vent.
An Aircraft’s (pressure/gyroscopic) flight instruments utilise the pitot-static system for their operation?
Why shouldn’t pitot heat be used during ground operations?
Because it will overheat the Pitot Tube without the cooling airflow once airborne.